Head's Blog

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Weekly Update 

Another busy week!

It’s been another busy week at Darite. We welcomed Kernow King and the Cornish Caretakers in on Monday to talk about Cornish mining heritage. Class 2 were lucky enough to have a workshop with the team and then there was a show that the children really enjoyed! Thank-you to the Cornish Caretakers for coming in to see us. 

Wednesday saw Class 3 joining with other schools from all over the country to enjoy a virtual session from Book Trust Represents called, “Bookmaker Like You” with Waterstones Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho, Sabine Adeyinka and Jasmine Richards. ‘Bookmaker Like You’ highlights the artistry of book creatives from under-represented communities and backgrounds. After the session, several pupils expressed a wish to write, create writer’s notebooks and to enter writing competitions . They were really inspired! The class found out about writers, publishers and editors working to ensure children of all ages can see themselves represented in books. This prompted a rich discussion in class about why representation is important and book recommendations. To the delight of the class, the school received a shout out from the authors as the questions submitted by the class, were answered! The class asked the three writers what their book recommendations would be for our age group and their recommendations will be headed to our reading corner along with some books from Coelho, Adeyinka and Richards.

Not to be left out, Class 1 very proudly showed me their learning in maths and English this week. It is always fantastic to see the pride that the youngest children in school take in their work and their progress is fantastic to see.

We only have two weeks left of this half term before the break. There is a lot going on at Darite, so please keep checking back for updates and news.


What a busy week! 

What a week at Darite! First we have world famous BBC stars in our midst and then  we finish the week with a visit from our MP. The children were really excited to see the school and their friends on the CBeebies show Fred and Pete’s treasure tales. The BBC came to film way back in March and the episode finally aired this week. The children performed amazingly and we were all so proud of them. Make sure you check iPlayer for the episode “The Storyteller’s Hook” if you haven’t seen it. 


We also welcomed Sheryll Murray MP to school today. She spoke to the children about how parliament and government works and had time for photos and questions. She met the school council and was able to give them some advice. Thank-you to Ms Murray for taking the time to visit us. 


This week we also took time to reflect on the remembrance services that will be happening this weekend. As always, the level of respect, thoughtfulness and kindness shown by the children was wonderful to see.


This term continues to race towards Christmas with lots of activities planned. Please make sure that you keep up to date with key events on the website and newsletter.


Weekly update 

Where has the time gone!

Just like that we’re 1/6 of the way through the year! We have certainly finished strongly with Mrs Alberts return to Class 2 on Wednesday, some amazing learning and plenty of smiles. Thank-you to those parents and carers who were able to attend the first Head’s Forum of the year on Monday. I will be running these every half term and they are an opportunity to bring questions and suggestions to me and then to the staff. These are of course voluntary and if you have any questions in the meantime, your child’s teacher is always the first port of call.

You may have remembered that in the summer term last year, Mrs Saberton entered a competition to “re-wild” the school. She put together a very comprehensive plan to improve the wild tribe area. The children worked hard to create the first of a series of bug hotels (made to look like the school) and attach it to a newly painted and decorated section of area. We were absolutely delighted to receive news on Tuesday that of all the schools both large and small who entered, Darite won! The judges were very impressed with the planning, input and building of the bug hotel along with the improvement to the area of the school. We are so proud of Mrs Saberton for leading this and, of course, the children whose ideas made the change happen. We have also won a prize but more about that next half term!

Also this week, Class 3 welcomed Claire Newman to school. We were incredibly lucky to be able to have her visit as she works for NASA! Claire is a senior research scientist working to understand the atmospheres of Mars and Titan and looking at weather patterns! Her work had been carried out by the Curiosity Rover on Mars – making the first measurements of winds around the Martian dunes. The children were fascinated and horizons were definitely broadened in the afternoon. Huge thanks to Claire for making time to come and talk about her work with us.

In other exciting news, series 2 of “Fred and Pete’s Treasure Tales” will air at 3.55 each afternoon on CBeebies, starting on the 23rd October. This is due to high demand and has been moved forward from an original air date of February! You may remember that way back in April, the BBC came to film one of the episodes in school – featuring some of our pupils! Unfortunately, I do not know the order that the episodes will be shown in but make sure you stay tuned to catch our pupils on the big screen! As you can see, it’s been a very busy and exciting week!

On the 20th October, school is closed to children as the staff have a training day along with all the other staff from all 14 bridge schools! We are looking forward to welcoming the children back on Monday the 30th October. Everyone at Darite hopes that you all have a relaxing break ready for the exciting lead up to Christmas.


Welcome back 

Week two already!

As we enter the second week of the new school year, can I first thank those of you who were able to come to the “Meet the Teacher” sessions this week. It was lovely to see everyone and have an opportunity to answer your questions about the year ahead. For those of you who were unable to come, the details will be on the Class Blog pages of the website.

As we are now two weeks into the term, we are building up a great collection of photos and videos of the amazing learning that is going on in school. We would love to be able to share them on the website but we are still waiting on some families to login to Arbor and answer the questions in the permission section. Please, if you have not done this yet, can you login and complete the form so that we can share the amazing things that are happening at Darite.

There are lots of exciting things going on in the next few weeks so please make sure that you keep checking the newsletter and the calendar.

Finally, I would like to give a huge thanks to Bradfords for their kind donations of materials to help enhance the outdoor learning for the school. We are so grateful for their donation and the children can't wait to get stuck in with using the bits. 

Have a superb weekend.


What a busy week! 

Another packed week!

Well, what a week it’s been! Year 5 have had an amazing activity week. They have had Nerf battles, played Zorb football, built rockets and then jumped off a cliff at Adrenalin Quarry! They were a credit to themselves and the school and we are proud of them facing their fears.

The whole school had a fantastic trip to Upton Cross yesterday morning to see Squashbox Theatre. The children had a great time and made lots of new friends. Thank-you to Miss Goodey, the staff and children at Upton Cross for making us feel so welcome.

Today, Year 6 joined children from lots of other schools in the area at Dutchy College for their activity day. They had great fun milking pretend animals, sporting activities and obstacle courses. They had a great time and again, were a credit to themselves.

The whole school took part in the Bridge School Games this week. This inter-school competition pits the children of all 14 schools in the trust against each other in a series of frendly sporting activities. Last year Darite came second overall! We were desperate to knock Polperro off the top spot this year!

The children have also been hard at work this week creating their entries for the Liskeard show. We are entering the collage competition this year and hopes are high for an award. The children in Class 3 chose to do a tapestry based on the local area and work they have been doing with Mazed Tales. It is a work in progress but the skills on show are very clear!

The Mazed Tales podcast that we did has also been released! Listen to it here and let us know what you think!

We only have four weeks left of the school year now and with reports, sports days, transition and assemblies, there is so much more to come. If you haven’t yet been able to, please can you spare 5 minutes to complete the parent questionnaire here. This is an important way that we can gather views of what everyone thinks of the school – both what we are doing well and if there are any areas that you think we could improve. Again, thanks to those of you who have completed it and those who contact school for a chat if there are questions that you have.

Have a lovely weekend

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Summer Fun 

Summer Fun!

What an week! The children had a brilliant day at the beach yesterday. The art was stunning and they had an amazing time. Ultimate frisbee was a particular hit. Days like yesterday really make us all appreciate where we live. Thank-you for your support with hats, drinks and sun cream yesterday and thank-you to Arena for arranging the day.

Today was a VERY casual Friday as we supported the Book Trust’s “Pyjamarama” day. The range of Pyjamas on display was great and we raised nearly £100 for this very worthwhile charity. One in five children in the UK don’t own a book of their own and anything that we can do to support and improve this is key to education, enjoyment and mental wellbeing.

We continue the busy events calendar next week. Year 5 have their activity week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure you have given permission for the trips. We also have our morning to see Squashbox Theatre at Upton Cross school. The children are looking forward to making new friends and enjoying the show. Year 6 have their activity day at Duchy College next Friday. This is the first time it has run since before COVID and is a great opportunity to meet people with whom they could be attending secondary school with.

If you have any questions about the upcoming events, please let us know.
Thanks again for your support of the school.


Welcome back 

Welcome Back

Welcome to the first week of the final half term of this academic year! This year has flown by and with only 6 weeks left until the summer, there is so much for the children to look forward to. The improving weather means we are able to get outside more and enjoy the amazing location that the school is in.

Next week has two big events occuring. Thursday sees our Beach day at Seaton. The children will have a full day of amazing activities on the beach including art, fitness and wellbeing. They (and the staff) are really looking forward to it.  Friday is “Pyjama Day” in support of the Book Trust. This wonderful charity supports schools and children with books and reading. 

There are lots more events and activities planned, so please check the diary and newsletters for when these are happening. You will remember that following on from CBeebies filming with Class 1, that Sue from Mazed Tales came to tell Class 3 some traditional stories which were then being turned into the first episode of a new podcast series. I am delighted to say that the first edit of the stories has been produced. The link here will allow you to hear them. The children enjoyed hearning it (although hearing your own voice always sounds strange) and should be proud of the work they did. Thanks again to Sue and Stuart for their hard work. 

Have a lovely weekend whatever you do – enjoy the Royal Cornwall Show if you are going and we will see the children back at school on Monday.


Half term 

Where has the time gone!

Just like that we find ourselves at the end of the penultimate half term of the year! Where has the time gone?!

The children have been working really hard this week, with Class 1 making the Cornish Times with their coronation party! Class 2 have been hard at work with their English. The quality of the handwriting in Class 2 is superb – they all really want their pen licences! Class 3 spent today recording podcasts with Mazed Tales. They have learnt some traditional stories based in this area of Cornwall and today told them verbally. These recordings will be turned into podcasts that can be downloaded for your listening enjoyment. We will let you know when and were these will be available. Thank-you to Sue and Mr Chorlton for their support with this project. 

The sunshine always makes people smile. Lunchtimes and breaktimes have been extra enjoyable this week, but please make sure that you send you children with suncream and hats to protect them in the glorious weather. A reminder that the spare uniform that has been outside this week is still there and if you find yourself in need of uniform, please come and claim something. If you are able to make a small donation for items you take, we would be very grateful but we would rather that the clothes go to a good home than be disposed of.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of the school. The comments in the playground and through communication with staff highlight the strengths of the school. This half term has been a busy one with both KS1 and 2 SATs (we are so proud of all the children), lots of learning, trips and experiences and, as we move into the final half term, there are lots more exiting things planned. Make sure you stay up to date through the website and newsletter. There are a few photos below this post that sum up the term at Darite. It really is a wonderful school to go to and teach at. 

The weather promises to be great for the half term break and we all hope that you manage to find some time to relax, enjoy the break or even go away on holiday! We will see you all back here on the 5th June for the final 7 weeks before the summer.

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Poetry Learning 

Re-inventing "The Jabberwocky" and other learning

There has been so much going on this week that I needed a Tuesday update rather than waiting until the end of the week!

While Year 6 have been having an amazing time in London (please look at the Class 3 blog for some amazing pictures), their classmates in Class 3 have been re-inagining the famous Jabberwocky poem by Lewis Carrol. 

They have looked at nonsense words, portmanteau and poetic features to help re-invent and re-write the poem.  They even managed to use iambic tetrameter (I had to look it up too) to keep the same rhythm. 

They designed and used A.I. software to generate original images for the finished video (the Gooagor was particularly scary and perfect for the tone). They were very proud of the group version and are looking forward to writing their individual poems next. 

Well done Year 5. 

Class 2 have been producing some fantastic story maps as they innovate their class story. I can't wait to read the finished stories. 

Class 1 have been immersing themselves in the Easter story and have been cooking some very tasty looking treats. 

Just another week in Darite!


Coding Champions 

Champion Coders!

What an amazing digital week we've had at Darite. The children have embraced technology this week and have shown all of the trust values.

On Thursday, the Year 6 Lego Team were crowned champions in the First Lego League coding competition at RNAS Culdrose. The team of 7 accompanied Mr Whipps and Miss Bawden to compete against 14 other primary schools and 25 teams in a whole day competition in which they had to present the end project based on the theme of "Superpowered".

This season they had to invent, develop and present an "Innovation Project" that would support the generation, storage or transport of clean and renewable energy. The team went through several ideas such as turbines that sit in exhaust pipes and solar tiles for roofs. They settled on Solar Paint. They developed the idea into a finished project that meant that anyone can buy a tin of paint, use it on any surface and generate and store clean energy. The judges were very impressed with their ideas and teamwork (and so were the teachers).

Along with this, there was a science show, interactive exhibits such as electric art, rocket making and coding. The Navy personnel were only too happy to help and we were very impressed with the jets and drones on display!

The tension was high as the coding competition arrived. The children had been practising at school to build, adapt and code a robot made from Lego to move around a mat, interacting with lego obstacles and scoring points. This invoved staying in at lunch, after school and even coming in before school to practise.

The team were assigned the final slot of the day and at lunchtime, the high score was 240 - a huge target to beat. The children didn't let that put them off, and worked amazingly as a team to run the codes. In the end they had a huge crowd gathered to watch the last run. You could cut the tension with a knife. In the end they scored 245 points! The team were so proud to win the coding phase of the competition.

Although they didn't win overall, they really represented the school and trust wonderfully and we are all very proud of them.

A.I. Pioneers

On Friday, Josh from Hi9 - a Cornish Artificial Intelligence company - came into school and worked with Year 5 and 6 on how A.I. such as smart speakers, electonic assitants and chat bots in games are created and used. The children worked together to use the DeeDee software to create an Darite A.I. bot that would be useful to pupils and parents at school. They looked at examples of A.I. in media and everyday life. 

We thought about the personality, age, name and way they would answer questions from parents and children. The children thought it would be important for the bot to be polite and can cheer children up. Mr DT (Mr Dariteatron) was the same age as the school, very polite and lives in Mr Whipps' office! The children had a fantastic time and used their writing skills to make sure that the responses that could be given are polite and accurate. 

We are looking forward to taking this forward. Watch out for the next generation of A.I. - coded by children! Thanks to Josh and Hi9 for their time. 

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available, please contact the school secretary on secretary@dariteprimary.co.uk

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.