Class Blog for Class 1

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Spring 2 enquiry question and homework menu 

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Spring 1 Enquiry Question and Homework Menu 

This half term (Spring 1) our Wider Curriculum Enquiry Question is 'Who Invented Toys?'
The main focus of our learning in this area will be linked to Historical Enquiry with additional links made in Science, Computing and Art. 
The children have talked about what they already know and come up with some questions that they want to answer. We have used these questions to create our Homework Menu. Homework can be something physical that the children bring into school, something they talk about or something they photograph (which can be emailed).

Below is the Homework Menu and the Wider Curriculum Enquiry overview.

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Autumn 2 Wider Curriculum 

This half term our Wider Curriculum has a Geography focus. Our enquiry question is 'What is special about where we live?' It builds on our previous History enquiry about Cornish miners and will help develop skills we can use for our Amazon enquiry in the Summer Term.

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This half term we have been learning how to dance with a specialist teacher called Paula. We have learnt how to mirror and canon. We produced a final dance piece called Adventure. Scan this QR code to watch our performance.



Thank you to everyone who came to our Harvest Celebration on Wednesday. The children really enjoyed making the soup and table decorations. Use a device to scan these QR codes to watch the children singing. 


New English and Maths Units 

This week we begin new learning in English and Maths.
In Maths we are starting our Addition and Subtraction Unit where we will be applying the skills we acquired in our previous unit: Place Value.
In English we are going to be learning about instructions and specifically about instructions used for games. 
Both learning journeys are attached below. 

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Trip to Wheal Martyn 

Class 1 visited Wheal Martyn museum this week as part of our topic 'What was life like for a Cornish miner?'

We had a guided tour of the site from Nolan who used to work as a miner. 

We got to look down into the pit and find some pieces of quartz on the floor. 

In the afternoon we worked with Gemma to dress up as people from the past.


New School Councillors 

We have been learning about democracy and today we voted for the people we wanted to represent Class 1 on the School Council. The majority of  people voted for Winter in Year 1 and Emmie in Year 2. 
They are looking forward to attending meetings with Mr Whipps and feeding back to the class.


Parent Information Session 

Thank  you to everyone who came to the 'Meet the teacher' session on Wednesday. For those of you who couldn't make it the PowerPoint is attached below. 

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Our new homework menu is attached below. 
We have lots of super photos to share with you which we will post here once everyone has completed the parental consents on Arbour. Please let us know if you are having difficulty doing this. 

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