Class Blog for Class 2

Enquiry Summer 1 

Welcome back to Summer 1, this term our enquiry question leads on from our previous work on Brazil. We will be finding out 'What the relationship is between the Rainforest and Climate Change'.

It has been great to welcome the children back and hear what they've been up to in the holidays. 

We have a really exciting summer term planned, keep up to date with the events on our class page and under the events tab for diary dates.

Attached below is the homework grid, enquiry grid and spellings.

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Enquiry Spring 2 

Welcome back to Spring 2! This term our enquiry question is 'What are the features of Brazil?' We will embark on an exciting journey to explore the vibrant tapestry of Brazil and its rich features. We will delve into the enchanting landscapes, diverse cultures, and fascinating traditions that make Brazil truly unique.
We have visitors joining us from The Blue Cross, East Cornwall Search and Rescue this term and lots of exciting days planned including a trip to a natural ecosystem in Cornwall, World Book Day and Break the rules day!!
Wild Tribe will run as three sessions this term on the 1st, 8th and 15th of March.
We are looking forward to immersing ourselves in this captivating topic of learning and discovery together, please keep checking the website to see the children's exciting work!
Homework, Literacy Learning Journey and the Topic Web for Brazil have all been added to the website so please have a look if you want to know what your child is learning.

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Welcome back! 

Welcome back to Spring 1, we hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year and are ready for a busy 2024.

Our wider curriculum enquiry question is Why 'settle' in Britain?, our topic focuses on the Anglo-Saxons which links into their previous Autumn enquiry about the Vikings.
Attached below is the homework grid and curriculum map.

Our Wild Tribe session for the term will be held on Wednesday 17th January, a letter has been sent out as a reminder.
Please keep checking the website for pictures and updates.

We look forward to an exciting term!

Mrs Alberts, Mrs Thomas, Miss Bawden and Mrs Dungey.

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This term our enquiry question was linked to rivers, we therefore decided to study Claude Monet and his river scenes.
Our final piece combined all of our previous knowledge of how he painted and the class were very impressed with their attempts at his famous Thames river scene!

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Christmas update! 

Class 2 had the opportunity to go and sing Christmas songs at the local care home on Wednesday morning, the staff and residents emailed to say how polite and well behaved the class were and how they can't wait for a repeat visit next year!
The class created individual Christmas cards for the residents, who were delighted and once the singing was finished they were treated to chocolates and cookies!
Class 2 have also been busy making Christmas Cake and shortbread for the Nativity!



River Fieldwork

On Wednesday we went onto the moors to look at the features of the river. We found erosion, made a dam and saw how it meandered.
It was such a beautiful day that we could see all the way out to sea!
We also used maps to find our location and used our compass skills to find North, East, South and West!



Welcome back to Autumn 2,  our wider curriculum enquiry question is 'Why are rivers important?'.

We will be learning how rivers form on high ground and change as they journey to the sea, by the end of the enquiry the children will be able to name the key aspects of rivers and explain the water cycle.
In Science we are continuing to learn about forces and magnets, we will create a painting of a river in Monet style in Art and in DT we will design and make a Christmas card using linkages.
In Music we are learning to perform and recognise notes using a glockenspiel,  in ICT we will produce and edit a piece of digital art linked to rivers.
In RE we will explore what it is like to follow God and in PSHE we will celebrate difference.
In French, children will be able to recall and spell 10 action verbs.

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Welcome Class 2 2024! 

Speaking on behalf of our entire class, I'd like to express how fantastic our first week back has been! Everyone has seamlessly adjusted, and we already feel like a cohesive team. The first week has been all about building connections and ensuring we create a positive and comfortable learning environment. As you can see, we have incorporated a 'hands on' problem solving area into our classroom this year. This week’s problem was...

A man has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river.

He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing.


If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken.

If the chicken and the corn are left together, the chicken will eat the corn.

How does the man do it?


Important information
PE will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. The children can come to school dressed in their school PE kit on these days. 
We will have our Wild Tribe session on a Friday afternoon - please come dressed for the weather that day. 
Our homework menu will be sent home on Tuesday 12th September. A copy will also be attached to next week’s blog.
Our Wider Curriculum focus this half term is, WHO WERE THE VIKINGS? please see our topic overview attached. We have already started a fact-finding mission in ICT, alongside checking that our research is credible through cross referencing sources.

Mrs. Thomas, Miss Bawden and Mrs. Dungey

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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