Class Blog for Class 3

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Welcome back to Summer 2 

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are as excited as we are for the busy term ahead. Our enquiry question for our work in the wider curriculum this half term is "how has crime and punishment changed in Britain?" An overview of the areas of learning for this half term can be found below along with the homework menu and spelling packs for this half term. 

Important Dates for the term ahead:
  • Wednesday 12th June - Class 3 Trip to Bodmin Jail
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Olympic Day
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st June - year 6 residential
  • Monday 24th June - Whole school beach day
  • Wednesday 3rd July - school play. Performances at 2pm and 5:30
  • Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July - Liskeard Induction days for year 6 
  • Wednesday 10th July - Whole school trip to Hidden Valley
  • Monday 15th July - Sports day
  • Wednesday 17th July - year 6 BBQ and water fight
  • Thursday 18th July - Alternative sports day
  • Monday 22nd July - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly in the morning and class leaving activities in the afternoon

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Class visit to Bodmin Jail 

How has crime and punishment changed in Cornwall?

Class 3 had a very interesting trip to Bodmin Jail where we discovered how crime, punishment and prisons have changed in the last few hundred years. The class, as always, demonstrated their curiosity for learning by asking perceptive questions and linking new discoveries to previous learning. 



Mini Police

Class 3 pupils have taken part in the Mini Police programme with its focus on crime prevention including internet safety, anti-social behaviour, road safety and environmental activities. The class have been very engaged and demonstrated their curiosity through asking interesting questions and sharing their views and ideas.
The class are currently creating internet safety posters to share their learning with the whole school and our wider community. 


Summer 1 

Welcome back for the Summer Term!

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are as excited as we are for the term ahead. 

Our enquiry question for our work in the wider curriculum this half term is "how sustainable is the UK's economic activity?" An overview of the areas of learning for this half term can be found below along with the homework menu and spelling packs for this half term.

Important Dates for the term ahead:

  • PE will continue to be on Monday afternoons and pupils are asked to wear their kits into school. 
  • The Mini-Police Team will be in and working with Class 3 Monday 22nd May - Thursday 25th May. 
  • SATs week for the year 6 pupils starts on Monday 13th May and pupils will be invited into school for breakfast Monday to Thursday. 
  • Class 3 Wild Tribe Day will be on Monday 20th May (weather permitting) and PE will go ahead as normal on this day. 

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Class trip to support our enquiry question. 

The Eden Project and Climate Change 

Class 3 set off to the Eden Project this morning with the challenge of answering the following three questions:
1. What is Climate Change?
2. How is Climate Change affecting the world today?
3. What next?
We have gathered the information we need, started to answer these questions and consider our role in the question, "what next?"


Book Trust Represents  

An exciting delivery for our enthusiastic readers!

Just when we thought we couldn't be more excited about the live author event with Joseph Coelho, Jasmine Richards and Sabine Adeyinka who answered our questions, gave a shout out to the school and recommended books for us to read THEN The Book Trust sent copies of their books to pupils at Darite!

Pupils across class 2 and 3 were delighted to receive a book to keep and Class 1 received a wonderful book of poetry by Coelho!

With all this reading excitement, we cannot wait for World Book on Thursday 7th March to further share our love of reading. 


Spring 2 

What is Climate Change?

Class 3 have started their new learning enquiry with enthusiasm. We have started learning about Climate Change, the causes and consequences. Our trip to the Eden Project this half term will help us answer many of the questions that are likely to arise through our enquiry.

Below is our enquiry web for this half term, along with digital copies of the the spelling booklets all groups have brought home. 

As always, we will continue to update with our learning on this page. 

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Special Delivery in Storytelling Week!

As mentioned in a previous post, Class 3 asked questions to the authors Joseph Coelho, Sabine Adeyinka and Jasmine Richards in a Book Trust Represents event last week. The book  recommendations these authors shared with Class 3, along with some books by these authors themselves, have started to arrive in our Reading Corner. We have a class eager to start reading these brilliant looking books and we will share our own reviews and recommendations shortly.


Book Trust Represents  

Bookmakers Like You!

Class 3 joined with other schools from all over the country to enjoy a virtual session from Book Trust Represents called, “Bookmaker Like You” with Waterstones Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho, Sabine Adeyinka and Jasmine Richards. ‘Bookmaker Like You’ highlights the artistry of book creatives from under-represented communities and backgrounds.

After the session, several pupils expressed a wish to write, create writer’s notebooks and to enter writing competitions – more information to follow! The class found out about writers, publishers and editors working to ensure children of all ages can see themselves represented in books. This prompted a rich discussion in class about why representation is important and book recommendations.

To the delight of the class, the school received a shout out from the authors as the questions submitted by the class, were answered! The class asked the three writers what their book recommendations would be for our age group and their recommendations will be headed to our reading corner along with some books from Coelho, Adeyinka and Richards.


The Cornish Caretakers  

An exciting start to the week!

Class 3 were lucky enough to join in with Class 2 today and watch a very animated and energised performance by the Cornish Caretakers. 

Edward Rowe - who you might know as The Kernow King - has developed an immersive learning experience called the Cornish Caretakers where he and his colleagues explore different characters from Cornish history and culture as part of an interactive performance which our key stage two pupils loved! The highly informative performance showcased the significant individuals of the past and present who have shaped Cornish mining or are influencing its future.

Thank you to the Cornish Caretakers for such an exciting start to the week!


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