
'Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers’ 

 Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer and mental calculator 

Maths at Darite

At Darite Primary Academy, children are taught to become competent mathematicians with a love of the subject and how problem solving serves a range of purposes. The National Curriculum forms the basis for our curriculum, which is mapped out to ensure each idea builds on previous learning so children are able to make connections between different mathematical ideas. We use White Rose as our main framework to deliver maths through small, incremental steps. Children are provided with structures to help them ‘see’ the maths, so that they can build a strong conceptual understanding or what they are learning to enable application of skills in different ways. Daily recall facts allow harder concepts to be revisited after initial teaching and guided. CPD is undertaken by the lead and school are working with the Maths Hub to further understand of Greater Depth teaching.

At Darite, we strive to actively engage all children in their learning of maths. Developing a love of learning and resilience in children to persevere is at the heart of what we want to achieve. The primary focus, during fluency work, is to create discussion about strategy rather than a celebration of the answer. Encouraging children to articulate their understanding in a safe environment is promoted. Use of technology allows barriers to learning to be overcome through feedback, video and voice recordings. This promotes independence and pace of the learning as well as allowing deepening of knowledge through feedback. Greater knowledge of times tables and related facts are embedded through use of online systems and in-class practise. Progress through this is tracked and used to provide feedback to children and staff.

The calculation policy provides practical activities for staff to use to embed conceptual understanding of mathematical processes. Concrete and pictorial representations will always be used before abstract strategies and they will be taught alongside each other so children can see what is happening to the numbers and why. Some of the early calculation strategies are used as a starting point for mental methods. We promote confidence in children’s mental ability so they don’t always rely on written methods.

Adaptive teaching is used for children to access the learning in different ways. This might be through the different steps of the calculation policy or through questioning. Whatever the ability of our children, we will expose them to all three strands of learning (fluency, reasoning and problem solving). Adaptive teaching is employed in support of the implementation and, where needed, individual support is offered. Adaptations to the White Rose scheme are employed to allow logical steps and sequential knowledge to be built upon.

Through the use of small step planning and the culture of mathematical discussion, teachers will be able to identify misconceptions early. Additional adult support (TA or teacher) will be used at the point the misconception has been identified.

The use of pre-assessment prior to undertaking a new unit of work ensure teachers are aware of any gaps in knowledge so they can be addressed early. Similarly, if strengths are identified, exposure to deeper questioning can be provided. Pre-assessment also helps teachers balance the needs of their classes’ curriculum and adjust the priorities of learning accordingly.

Post-assessment not only shows children their progress, but it allows teachers to identify what has ‘stuck’ and the concepts that need to be rehearsed during fluency work. Children are actively engaged in their progress and are able to articulate areas they have developed and those they would like to work on.

Summative assessment at the end of the year helps to triangulate teacher assessment. Our aim is for all children to see themselves as mathematicians so creating a culture of success for the individual child and positive maths self-esteem is as important as attainment.

We have invested in technology so each child has their own iPad enabling them to record their learning in a variety of ways to suit varying needs by using a digital platform.



View the following documents within your web browser or download to read later

Addition Calculation Policy.doc
Addition Calculation Policy.doc
Division Calculation Policy.doc
Division Calculation Policy.doc
Multiplication Calculation Policy.doc
Multiplication Calculation Policy.doc



Subtraction Calculation Policy.doc
Subtraction Calculation Policy.doc


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