
This afternoon, Wednesday 28th February, East Cornwall Search and Rescue visited the school.
The team told the children about their voluntary work and the children got to try on their equipment, look at the vehicle and ask plenty of questions! 

Welcome to the News

There is always something going on at Darite. This page is where we share those amazing pieces of learning with you.

Fire Service visit

Class one got the term off to a red hot start with their visit from the fire brigade. They came in to share tips on fire safety and to help the class put out their Great Fire of London! Thank you so much to purple watch for their time and expertise.

Roald Dahl Day 2019

To celebrate Roald Dahl day on the 13th September, the whole school joined in with a day of reading! We began with our reading breakfast. Loads of parents and relatives arrived to share their favourite books, listen to readers and read to the children. The excitement (and smell of toast) was definitely thick in the air.

The day continued with the launch of Reading Karate. This this where for every time the children read four pages of a book to an adult at home, they earn a signature. Once they have enough “Reads” they will earn a band for their wrist. Look out for more information going home today. 

The children then had the opportunity to read with children outside of their year group. They sat in house groups to read their favourite book. They loved the chance to listen to each other reading. 

The children also also had a chance to swap an old book with another one. This will keep fading fresh for them and also keep parents from having to buy new books!

Thank you for all the work with costumes and for coming to support the day. 

Archaeology Experts!

What an amazing day Class 2 had. We first had a visit from Iain and Robyn who work for Cornwall Archives. They brought in loads of artefacts that people who lived in prehistoric Cornwall would have used. These included arrowheads, pots, coins and more! We also looked at timelines and the skeleton ready for the exciting trip to Trethevy to see the archaeological dig that is currently underway. 

Time Team!

To finish an amazing day, Class 2 were invited by Cornwall Heritage to visit the archaeological dig at Trethevy Quoit. The children had a chance to look at and hold artefacts, make archaeological drawings, scale drawings of artefacts and the they learned all about the geological history of Cornwall. Did you know Cornwall has been under the sea twice and has had mountains 10km high!

Thanks to everyone at the site and Iain, Robyn and Collin for their fascinating insights into prehistoric Cornwall.

Class 1 trip to Trethevy

Class 1 had a fantastic time this morning, they were really interested, asked great questions and all of the volunteers at the site commented on their excellent behaviour, manners and level of questioning!

Well done Class 1, you did Darite proud! We found out about being an archaeologist, geologist and what Trethevy would have looked like thousands of years ago.

Sports Day(s)!

What a hugely sporty week we've had at Darite. First, on Monday we had an alternative sports day. The children got the chance to try their hand at a range of new and exciting activities including fencing, Ultimate Frisbee, street dance and fencing! All the children loved the day and went home exhausted!

On Wednesday, we enjoyed the glorious day for the annual sports day. There was a veritable smorgasbord of sports from running races, obstacle courses and the daunting "Long Race!" The children all took part with great enthusiasm. Thanks to all the parents and carers who came to support. The raffle, BBQ and ice cream raised an amazing £400 towards the PTA fund! Thank-you to everyone for your continued support of our amazing school.

Proper Pasties

Class 2 decided they wanted to look at food miles as part of their topic. They chose to make pasties as an example and looked at how far the ingredients for parties have to travel. They then spent an afternoon making them ready to eat at Wild Tribe. I only hope they made enough for the teachers too!

Wild Tribe Day

What an amazing day the whole school had on the 17th. To celebrate the end of SATs and to make the most of our wonderful grounds, the whole school enjoyed a day of Wild Tribe. There were fires, dens and cooking galore as well as scavenger hunts and tree identification. A fantastic day was had by everyone

Trethevy Quoit

On the 15th May, Class One took advantage of the amazing weather and walked up to Trethevy Quoit as part of their topic. They have been learning about the local area and what better way to embed their learning than from visiting a famous monument on our doorstep!

They enjoyed a picnic, countryside work and an opportunity to learn about the monument. A huge thank-you to all the parents and helpers for your support and accompaniment. 

Easter Assembly

Friday the 5th saw our Easter assembly take place compete with the eagerly awaited 2019 Darite Easter Bonnet Parade. What a high standard of entries there were! An independent adjudicator made the final decision to keep things fair and worthy winners were chosen. 

Well done to all those who entered and thank you to all the parents who joined us for the celebration. A special mention to Mrs Stevens for playing the piano to accompany the songs. 

Our entrants.

Winners and runners up.

Sporting Afternoon

The whole school came together on the 2nd April to take part in an Easter sporting event. The children from Class 3 who were not on the London trip, spent time on a Monday designing, planning and organising 7 different sporting events. The other children from the school then spent a fantastic afternoon taking part. The Class 3 children ran and scored the events and a great time was had by all. 

Scarecrow Fun

Class One have had great fun in the Wild Tribe area today as they made a very realistic scarecrow, built a fire and roasted some marshmallows. The other children in school were really jealous! Thanks to Miss Godby for the straw!

Literacy Stars

Class One have been working really hard on their instructions in English. They have looked at instructions, found the key features and then wrote a rough draft. They edited and improved their work and then used them to make their own egg and cress sandwich. They even used their own school-grown cress! Yum! 

World Book Day 2019

There where a host of characters from children's books new and old at Darite on the 7th March. To celebrate world book day, the children dressed up as their favourite characters. There was Arthur Dent, Hermione Granger and The Boy in the Dress to name a few!

The children all came together in the afternoon to watch the live lesson on CBBC and took part in the activities. They read to each other, desinged front covers for books and made friends a bookmark. It was a fantastic day! Well done to everyone for their costumes (and for grown-ups for helping). .

Magical Learning!

Buckets of dinosaurs!



Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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