We are really lucky living where we do that we have access to so many amazing beaches. This week we would have welcomed the RNLI into school to update us all about beach safety. Sadly, with the lockdown and schools being shut this couldn't happen.
This week's assembly is all about staying safe at the beaches. The website here is full of fantastic ideas, information and advice that will keep us safe when we can finally visit the beaches again.
Have a look at the assembly and then maybe try one of these activites:
We all hope you’re safe and well. The staff at Darite would like to send you this little message at this very odd time. Please stay well and we will all see you when we can.
Everyone at Darite.
Good morning everyone, I hope you are well and safe. We have now been able to add videos to the website so please keep checking the class blogs for news and updates from the teachers.
Mr Whipps
Each week I am going to post a blog with an assembly theme. Each one will have a selection of questions that you can talk about and discuss at home along with some suggestions for activities that the children can take part in.
This week's focus is on Responsibility. It is one of the Trust values and the one we would be looking at this half term. Please feel free to look at the assembly. Please email through any work or thoughts that come out of it.
Stay safe.
Mr Whipps
Image Gallery
As we enter another week of social distancing, I wanted to highlight the ways that we could look after our own mental health and wellbeing. These are very strange times and all the staff know how difficult it is juggling children, jobs and home learning. We have loved seeing the learning and activities that have been going on from cooking, model making, hairdressing and spelling.
I have been trying to try different recipes out and have been trying to keep up with Joe Wicks (without much success).
Thank-you to all of the people who have emailed the teachers about their learning along with requests for help. I also know that there are several of you out there who got the correct answer to my first riddle! For those of you playing along the second one is: What type of bell can't you hear in springtime?
One thing that I would like to share with you as a way to practise mindfulness is making a "Positivity Jar". Each day spend a few minutes as a family and write down all the things that made you smile that day. It could be the sunshine, a joke or what you saw on a walk. Soon you will be able to see all the positive things that have happened over the course of time.
Alongside the wellbeing page on the website here, I have included some links that may be useful for helping with mental health and wellbeing. If you know of any more, please let me know.
Healthy body: https://www.sportengland.org/stayinworkout
Healthy Mind
Keeping safe online: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/support-tools/home-activity-worksheets?utm_source=Thinkuknow&utm_campaign=03cb8440df-TUK_ONLINE_SAFETY_AT_HOME_24_03_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0b54505554-03cb8440df-64756705
For children who enjoy cooking :https://www.jamieoliver.com/kitchen-buddies/
PE: Joe Wicks on YouTube is very rewarding.
Please stay well in these times.
Mr Whipps.
I hope you are all well and safe at the moment.
I would like to share with you some of the amazing h0ome activities that have been going on. Please keep them coming and remember to try and crack the riddles (well done to those of you who have already worked out the first one!)
Stay safe and look after yourselves.
Mr Whipps
I hope this blog entry finds you and your families well. The purpose of this update is to let you know that today, the BBC launched "Bitesize Daily". This is a section of their website where each year group has a selection of lessons each day. They are aimed at the correct curricular level and cover all the core subjects and others such as science, history, geography and also wellbeing.
They are well worth looking at and asking the children to have a go at if they feel able. There are a host of famous people helping to create the content including Sir David Attenborough, Danny Dyer and Dr Who to name a few.
Again, please complete the work that you feel able to. It can be done alongside the work set by teachers on the blog pages. Staff are happy to support through email.
Please stay well.
Mr Whipps
I hope this blog finds you and your family safe and well as we enter the second week of the summer term.
Many thanks to all those parents and carers who have taken the time to sit with their children and to sent in the comments for the reports. It always brings a smile to our faces to find out what you have enjoyed most (from playing with friends, using the drones or the maths sessions) and how much you enjoy your time at school!
It has also been wonderful to recieve so many photos and examples of work that you have been doing. Spellings, arts, crafts and writing have all featured highly in this regard. I am hoping to be able to share some of these with you on this page, so please keep them coming in.
With at least another three weeks of the lockdown in place, we are recieving daily updates from the trust and Department for Education. I will share these with you in this section as well. We are still unsure when school with re-open but when we have more information about this, we will pass it on.
In the meantime, I am going to set some challenges on this page to see if you are able to complete them. Keep your answers at home and share them with me once school opens again.
Riddle One: What can be broken but still be right twice a day?
The wellbeing of the children is important to all of the staff at Darite. To this end, if you are able please have a go at the home learning that will be updated on the class pages weekly. The staff are always happy to help answer any questions you have. I will also add a mindfulness excersise on this page weekly that you can have a go at with the children.
Mindfulness Activity One: Find a quiet place to sit. Set a timer for one minute and close your eyes. Listen to your surroundings and think about the sounds, smells and other things you notice. After the minute is up, open your eyes. You can always draw one of the things you heard.
Please stay healthy and stay in touch if you need us.
It is a very strange blog entry this week. We have just finished what would have been the Easter holidays and would have welcomed the children back this week for my favourite term of the academic year! I hope that you are all healthy and managed to enjoy the sunshine and wonderful weather we had over the last two weeks.
With the current school closures, all the staff are missing the children terribly and have been loving seeing the activities that you have been up to over the holiday and during the school closures. Please keep these coming in, they really make us smile.
The teachers have again put up new home learning on the class blog pages of the website. If you have any questions about this learning, the staff are only too happy to answer questions via email. The priority during this time is to keep well and healthy and we are only too aware of juggling your responsibilities with those of home learning. There is no pressure to complete it all or push children too hard, the health, safety and wellbeing of you and your family comes first.
Please stay safe and get in contact if we can help at all.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share with us the things that they have been doing whilst at home. It's been fascinating to see (and borrow) some of the things that you have been doing.
Fixing model cars, running around outside, following Joe Wicks have all played a major part in the learning from home this week.
We are grateful for those parents who have emailed us pictures and information along with the praise for the school and staff.
We hope you are keeping well.
Some more amazing examples of home learning!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
Spaces available, please contact the school secretary on secretary@dariteprimary.co.uk
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.