Head's Blog

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Christmas Lunch 

Christmas Dinner

Everyone at Darite had a fantastic Christmas dinner on Wednesday. The turkey was moist and the potatoes were crispy! The whole school joined in with the celebration with singing songs, pulling crackers and a whole heap of Christmas cheer!


Singing Stars 

Singing in the hall

A group of Year 6 pupils visited the Village hall on Wednesday to perform at the Darite Lunch Club’s Christmas dinner. 

They sang beautifully and all the club members had a great time listening. The 12 Days of Christmas was a particular hit. Thanks to Mrs Dungey and Mrs Stevens for organising and rehearsing with the children. 


Darite are Good! 

Darite are Officially "Good"!

After two weeks of quality assurance I am delighted to be allowed to  inform you that at our recent OFSTED inspection, all areas of the school were judged to be “Good”. This judgement was reached using the new inspection framework which has only been in place since September 2019!

We are so pleased that our school has been recognised by OFSTED as the fantastic school we all knew it was. I am so proud of the school; its pupils, teachers, governors and wider staff, as well as the wider community who all came together to show our school to be the great school that it is. Thank-you to all of you who took the time to speak to the inspectors or leave feedback about the school on Parent View.

Some of the lovely comments from inspectors included:

“Pupils enjoy school and the opportunities it offers them”
"Pupils trust adults to keep them safe, and adults do”
“Pupils become avid readers… teaching makes pupils think hard and inspires their curiosity”
“The school’s curriculum supports pupils understanding of what it is to be a good citizen”
“Reading is valued… the teaching of early reading is well structured”
“Staff put in precise and intensive support”
“The school is well led and managed… trust leaders and the governing body are effective”

The full report can be downloaded to read in the "Information" tab of the website. Thank-you to everyone for your support of our amazing school.



Music Stars
Class 2 had their second session with Matt in order to complete their song “Perfect World”. They wrote the lyrics and then worked on the chords and tune. The song sounds really good and they are looking forward to finding out if it will be performed at the Eden Project next year!



What a busy time at Darite!
We started with a fitness session run by Jack Rutter, the England Cerebral Palsy football captain. He put us through our paces with a circuit training session that included sit-ups and leg thrusts. We got sponsorship from friends and family to raise money for new equipment at school. Watch this space for our total raised.

We followed that with an Ofsted inspection and then finished with a session from the Florian String Quartet who worked with Class 3. They will continue to do this and it will build up for a performance at Sterts Theatre in the new year!

Last week, Class 3 also took park in a workshop in which they designed and made laterns for the "Light Up Liskeard" event. They worked really well with the artists and created some amazing masterpieces.

The best news of all was the happy arrival of Ms McLaughlin's baby, Dominic, born at 6.30 on Wednesday weighing 10 pounds 8! We are looking forward to welcoming Darite's newest pupil in a few weeks!


Book Tokens 

Books for School

School have registered with the Sun newspaper and Collins Big Cat books for their Books for Schools campaign. When tokens are collected, the school can change these for £600 worth of books. School is in no way endorsing and particular paper or views contained within. It is simply an opportunity for the school to increase the number of high-quality books that the children can read and enjoy.

I you know anyone who reads the paper, just collect the tokens and bring them to the school. We will count and submit them. To find out more visit: www.thesun.co.uk/news/10256316/the-sun-books-for-schools-campaign/.



Anti-bullying Week

There is never any excuse for bullying either online or in the outside world. At Darite we have always had zero tollerance for bullying and unkindness in school. 

This week has been anti-bullying week across the whole country and we have been joining in. The theme this year is "Change Starts With Us" and the children have been looking at how little changes in respect, kindness and friendship can make a huge change in how people feel. They have been working on the message in class and the staff have already been aware of lots of children in school being kind at playtimes and lunchtimes.

We are proud of what a respectful, kind and nurturing school Darite Primary is. 


Literacy Event 

Class 2 go to University!

Class 2 had an amazing trip to the University of Plymouth to be inspired and enthused by the author David Lawrence Jones. He is also one of the chancellors of the Children’s University. 

He is a real life author who began his journey at the age of 9!


Bin it roadshow! 

The Bin It Roadshow

We were really lucky to start the half term with a visit from the Bin It Roadshow team. We learned about why littering is bad and how we can stop it. The children didn’t know that littering is habitual and we know how to break it. We found out that it takes just one nappy 500 to 600 years to degrade! We also learnt about the history of gum. The UK chews more gum than Russia AND China! 

The show was educational, fun and very interactive. Thanks so much for the Bin It team for their show. 


Wear It Pink 

Wear it Pink

Thank-you to all the parents, carers and children for supporting Wear It Pink 2019. The school was a riot of colour to support this worthy cause. Watch this space for the grand total. 


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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