Class 2 had an amazing trip to the University of Plymouth to be inspired and enthused by the author David Lawrence Jones. He is also one of the chancellors of the Children’s University.
He is a real life author who began his journey at the age of 9!
We were really lucky to start the half term with a visit from the Bin It Roadshow team. We learned about why littering is bad and how we can stop it. The children didn’t know that littering is habitual and we know how to break it. We found out that it takes just one nappy 500 to 600 years to degrade! We also learnt about the history of gum. The UK chews more gum than Russia AND China!
The show was educational, fun and very interactive. Thanks so much for the Bin It team for their show.
Thank-you to all the parents, carers and children for supporting Wear It Pink 2019. The school was a riot of colour to support this worthy cause. Watch this space for the grand total.
Thank you to all the children and parents who have commented on the new homework menus that we have been trying this half term. The children have been incredibly motivated and the quality of the learning they are doing outside of school is a testament to them. We have had amazing art, terrific technology, magnificent models and fabulous food!
One of the children in Class One was so motivated that she wrote to Sir David Attenborough for her homework. She has been inspired by the topic of famous people and her love of nature and the planet. She was delighted when she received a personalised response from Sir David himself!
We are so proud of the work that the children are putting into all areas of their learning.
Class one got the term off to a red hot start with their visit from the fire brigade. They came in to share tips on fire safety and to help the class put out their Great Fire of London!
At Darite we recognise that the children themselves play a huge role in making the school the wonderful place to learn that it is.
Their views are already represented by the school council and, this week, we launched the House Captain campaign for Year 6. These pupils will form a core group who will help teachers work on monitoring and improving the school. They will also form part of the Learning Detectives.
All Year 6 children are being given the opportunity to run for house captain. They will have to present an application to Mr Whipps and then campaign to the whole school before an election next week. Watch this space!
We opened our doors on Thursday to show the changes that have been made to the 99 club. The new sheets were compared to the old versions alongside the National Curriculum to let parents and carers see how the work links together.
Class 2 followed up their Skype chat with Luci Isaacson with a personal visit! They found out about what they can do to play their part to protect our environment. They looked at the 10 climate pledges that are little things everyone can do to make a difference. They are going to follow this with creating a song that will be performed at Eden!
Everyone loves reading at Darite. To promote our love of reading, on Friday the 13th, we celebrated Roald Dahl day in style! We had our Reading breakfast, book exchange, shared reading between classes AND dressed up as our favourite characters.
We also launched Reading Karate to encourage reading at home. Please look at the celebration page of the website for more photos of our fantastic day.
Thanks to all the parents and carers, staff and children for making the day such a huge success!
The school was alive this morning with the smell of toast and reading!
As part of Roald Dahl day and to share our love of reading, we had our first reading breakfast. The children were resplendent in their book costumes and loved reading to the parents and relatives who joined us for the day. Thank you to everyone who joined us.
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
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