Head's Blog

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Show Success 

Liskeard Show Star

Congratulations go to one of children in Year 6 who, for the first time joined in the adult class showing his sheep at the Liskeard show. He was hugely successful and we’re all amazed at his skills. Congratulations!

These are just the rosettes he could hold!



Class One's Elmer Hunt!

Class One linked their learning of the sea with our local area on the 12th July when they visited Mount Edgcumbe. They spotted boats and ships, explored the grounds, took part in the Plymouth Elmer trail and enjoyed an ice-cream!

All the children had a fantastic time and were wonderful ambassadors for the school. Well done Class One.


Class 3 Trethevy 

Archaeology Workshop 

Class 2 began their archaeology experience with a workshop from Iain and Robyn from the Cornwall Heritage service. They spoke all about the technology of the different ages along with the History of Trethevy Quoit. The children loved the session where they looked at maps, tools and replica artefacts,

Trethevy Visit

To finish an amazing day, Class 2 were invited by Cornwall Heritage to visit the archaeological dig at Trethevy Quoit. The children had a chance to look at and hold artefacts, make archaeological drawings, scale drawings of artefacts and the they learned all about the geological history of Cornwall. Did you know Cornwall has been under the sea twice and has had mountains 10km high!

Thanks to everyone at the site and Iain, Robyn and Collin for their fascinating insights into prehistoric Cornwall.


Trethevy Part 1 

Class 1 Trip to Trethevy

Class 1 had a fantastic time this morning, they were really interested, asked great questions and all of the volunteers at the site commented on their excellent behaviour, manners and level of questioning!

Well done Class 1, you did Darite proud! We found out about being an archaeologist, geologist and what Trethevy would have looked like thousands of years ago.


Alternative Sports Day 

Sports Day(s)!

What a hugely sporty week we've had at Darite. First, on Monday we had an alternative sports day. The children got the chance to try their hand at a range of new and exciting activities including fencing, ultimate frisbee, street dance and fencing! All the children loved the day and went home exhausted!

On Wednesday, we enjoyed the glorious day for the annual sports day. There was a veritable smorgasbord of sports from running races, obstacle courses and the daunting "Long Race!" The children all took part with great enthusiasm. Thanks to all the parents and carers who came to support. The raffle, BBQ and ice cream raised an amazing £400 towards the PTA fund!

Thank-you to everyone for your continued support of our amazing school. 


Wear Yellow 

Wear Yellow Day

To show our support for those people who suffer from cystic fibrosis, we joined in the with national Wear Yellow day. The weather even agreed and the sun shone to match the bright colours! Thank-you to everyone who joined in to support the day. We are still totaling up the donations but watch this space to find out how much we raised!



Proper Pasties

Class 2 decided they wanted to look at food miles as part of their topic. They chose to make pasties as an example and looked at how far the ingredients for parties have to travel. 

They then spent an afternoon making them ready to eat at Wild Tribe. I only hope they made enough for me!



Wood Donation

We were delighted today when Richards Builders Merchants delivered the wood that they have kindly donated to school. It will be used to improve our Wild Tribe area and help to build a new shelter and mud kitchen. 

Thanks to everyone at Richards for their kind support, and the parent volunteers who are working tirelessly to improve the provision we can give to our children.


Wild Tribe 

Wild Tribe Day

What an amazing day the whole school had on the 17th. To celebrate the end of SATs and to make the most of our wonderful grounds, the whole school enjoyed a day of Wild Tribe. There were fires, dens and cooking galore as well as scavenger hunts and tree identification. A fantastic day was had by everyone. 


Busy Week! 

What a busy week!

Well, it's been another fantastic and busy week at Darite Academy. We've had picnics by historical monuments, Jackanory style story-telling a whole school day of Wild Tribe! Alongside that, Year 6 have done a few tests. We are always so proud of all the children at school in all areas of their learning.  What an amazing place Darite is!


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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