Head's Blog

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Trethevy Quoit

On the 15th May, Class One took advantage of the amazing weather and walked up to Trethevy Quoit as part of their topic. They have been learning about the local area and what better way to embed their learning than by visiting a famous monument on our doorstep!

They enjoyed a picnic, countryside work and an opportunity to learn about the monument. A huge thank-you to all the parents and helpers for your support and accompaniment.


May Fayre 

May Fayre Fun

Thank-you to everyone who made the May Fayre on Saturday such an amazing success. There were tombolas, children running stalls, food, drink and games galore!

A highlight has to be the Maypole dancing which is always wonderful to see. The live musical accompaniment from Common Morris was an added bonus. 

We are still counting up the last of the money but it looks like we raised about £500 to support the children in school! What a superb total! 

Thanks to the PTA for their planning and running of the day. 




Some of the Year 4 children had the opportunity to take part in the Bikeability scheme. This involved learning about how to keep their bike safe and roadworthy as well as the essential skills of how to stay safe whilst out and about on their bikes. Well done to all those who took part. We are all very proud of your success!



STOMPing Fun!

Class 2 got off to an amazing start to the half term when they got creative in Wild Tribe. They watched some clips of the group STOMP and then used natural materials and equipment in the Wild Tribe area to compose, rehearse and perform their own pieces. 

It was noisy, creative but fantastic fun. 


Welcome Back! 

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Darite. We all hope you've had a fantastic Easter break and were able to take advantage to the glorious weather. This is a short half term but packed full of learning and fun! Thanks for all your help and support in making Darite the amazing school it is!


Easter Fun 

Easter Bonnets

Friday saw the 2019 Darite Easter Bonnet Parade. What a high standard of entries there were! An independent adjudicator made the final decision to keep things fair and worthy winners were chosen. 

Well done to all those who entered.



University Graduates!

They start early at Darite! We were all immensely proud of two of our students in Year 3 who attended the Children's University graduation on the 3rd April. Both boys have attended the university for 100 hours! 

They wore their graduation gowns and even got a chance to throw their mortar boards in the air! What great role models and and experience of what the future could hold.

Congratulations to them both!


Sporting Success 

Sporting Fun 

The whole school came together on the 2nd April to take part in an Easter sporting event. The children from Class 3 who were not on the London trip, spent time on a Monday designing, planning and organising 7 different sporting events. The other children from the school then spent a fantastic afternoon taking part. The Class 3 children ran and scored the events and a great time was had by all. 


Marvelous Miro 

Art Extravaganza!

Class 3 have been continuing to work with artist Sean Hewitt on their project about Miro. They began the half term looking at a Miro "Alphabet" and using these to design their own small scale pictures. Some children have also worked with staff outside of lessons to create their own artwork which is being displayed in school. 

Following this inspirational work, they decided to up-scale and have been working with Sean to create a large piece of work on plywood to display outside the school for everyone to enjoy. Watch this space for the date for the grand unveiling.

Thanks to Sean for his time and Richard's Builders in Dobwall for donating the wood. 


Class 2 on the Moor 

Class 2 Love Nature

Class 2 have been taking advantage of the beautiful scenery that surrounds Darite by spending time up on the moor. They have been fording streams and discovering nature. They found a pool full of tadpoles and the children want to revisit to see how they develop. Watch this space!


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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