Head's Blog

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Friday Update 

Sport, sport and more sport!

What a sporting week it’s been! From the lows of the Euro’s on Sunday to the highs of Sports Day on Wednesday, the talk of the school has been about sport and activity. Below are some letters that children in Year 3 wrote to the England players in support of their performance on Sunday. This kind and thoughtful nature is indicative of so many of the children at Darite and is a credit to them.

In Sports Day, the children did brilliantly, and ran their hearts out in their events. It was disappointing to have to make the day for children only but I hope you have had a chance to watch the videos on Teams to celebrate at home. Thank-you for you support and understanding in this matter.

They all had great fun in their Penathlon sessions yesterday and were wearing their medals with pride!

As you know, Monday marks the next step in the relaxing of the nation COVID restrictions. The DfE affords schools the option of making their own choices in which aspects of this they follow based on individual sites, staff and risk assessments. With that in mind, and with only a week left of the school year we, along with many other schools in our trust and others, have chosen to keep the current arrangements in place in regards to bubbles, school times and masks being worn when picking up and dropping off. There are a lot of fun activities planned for next week (please see the dates section of the newsletter) and it would be such a shame if children had to miss it due to a positive COVID case. Please can you continue to let school know if you are “pinged” by track and trace and if you develop any COVID symptoms as soon as possible. We have procedures in school that we follow to keep everyone safe and these always start with a communication to us from you.

Enjoy the hot weather this weekend, stay safe and we will see you on Monday for the last week of the school year.

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Sports Day 

Super Sports

The children had an amazing day on Wednesday and it was stunning to see their sporting abilities.

It was such a shame that we were unable to allow parents to attend but, in the best traditions of the Olympics, we filmed the races and hope you enjoy celebrating at home. These have been uploaded securely to Teams for you too look at.

It was really useful to have some VAR to help with some of the harder decisions! Well done to the children for giving 100% as always. 

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Art Day 

Art Attack!

Due to the typical Cornish summer weather, we had to cancel our moor day. However, the staff stepped up to plan and deliver an amazing art day!

At the risk of showing my age, Darite channeled Tony Hart and Neil Buchanan creating models, prints and pictures celebrating the topic we have been learning about this term. The children loved the challenge of creating and it was great to see so much teamwork and cooperation throughout the day. 

They have PE in the afternoon and finished the day with a delicious ice cream! Thank you to all the staff for making the day so memorable. 

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Friday Update 

Weekly Updates and teasers!

Where has this half term gone?! We only have 3 weeks left of this academic year but there are a lot of exciting things coming up that we’d like to remind you of. Next week is our SRE week. The children will be having lessons on different aspects of this. Please refer back to the recent letter if you would like a refresher on the content that will be covered. Please contact the teachers if you have any questions.

Next Wednesday we are (weather permitting) hoping to have our moor day when the whole school will be having an activity day at Minions. Additional details will be forthcoming about this next week.

Finally, Friday next week will be a non-uniform day to support the school summer fayre. Children can come into school in non-uniform in exchange for £1 worth of sweets that we will be using in the tombola on the day.

We would like to congratulate Mrs Lake in being successful this week in being appointed to teach in Class 2 next year alongside Ms McLaughlin. There was strong competition but Mrs Sanson and myself were pleased to appoint Mrs Lake to the post. We are delighted that she will be staying at Darite after covering Mrs Alberts maternity leave. Please see the additional letter that has gone home today for further details about staffing for next year. Can I offer a personal thank-you for your patience with this. As you can imagine, it is a long and complicated job and it is important that we get it correct. 

As you can see, we are going to be very busy over the next few weeks. With COVID case numbers rising, please stay safe and follow the instructions for pickup and drop off. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office. Have a wonderful weekend. Mr Whipps.


Friday Update 

Another busy week!

It’s been another busy week at Darite. Mr Massey (Bridge School Trust CHief Executive) and Mrs Sanson (our Area Executive Head) came into school on Monday for a visit and to see what the children have been up to. They were really impressed with the school and the learning that they saw. Art, English and topic work were all proudly being displayed and the children did the school proud.

In other learning news, our We Are Writers book is in school and ready to order. The final date for orders is Monday the 28th June. Please use the ParentPay to place your order. We are really proud of the children for their hard work in producing the pieces of writing. Mrs Evett will be happy to help if you are having problems ordering. 

Please keep checking the class blogs on the website for up to date learning. Class 2 are really proud of their healthy snack radio adverts that will be going up soon. The end of the summer term is always busy with sports days, trips, special events and more and this is the main way that we would like to keep in touch with you.

Have a wonderful weekend. Please stay safe.

Mr Whipps


Sun and Sport 

Sun and sport

We were really lucky with the weather this week as on Friday we welcomed Arena into school to run our "Alternative Sports Day". The whole school joined in with new sports including ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, Boccia and golf to name but a few. The weather was glorious and the children (and staff) had a wonderful day. Thanks to Arena for running such a brilliant day. 

As you will be aware, our school book is ready to be ordered. At the low price of £7.99 it is a bargain to enable you to read amazing writing from every child in the school. They are very proud of themselves, becoming published authors in primary school and so are we. To order, login to your parent pay account and follow the instructions. Any questions, please let Mrs Evett know and she will be able to help you out. 

We are pleased to be able to let you know that Mrs Alberts will be returning to school full time on the 20th July. She will return to Class 1 and the children are looking forward to welcoming her back. I am hoping to send out the staffing and class lists for next year soon so please watch this space. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, stay safe. 

Mr Whipps

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Welcome Back 

Welcome to summer!

Welcome back to the summer term. I really hope you managed to enjoy the lovely weather over half term and managed to make some memories. I know from talking to the children, that they enjoyed the break and got up to loads of fun things. 

Thank-you to those parents of class 2 and 3 who this morning helped with the new arrangements for the bubbles. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are still asking that face coverings are worn by adults when on site. The children loved being able to have lunch in the hall and share the playground. Considering it has been over a year since we were able to do this, it was a wonderful sight to see. I am hoping that the next changes in guidance will allow us more opportunities to gather as a whole school. We will continue to update you with this. 

The trust have produced a short survey on communication between school, the trust and yourselves. I would be really grateful if you could find the time to complete this survey here. It is really helpful to know your thoughts about the school and trust and the answers you provide for us will help us get even better. 

Can I also remind you all that school is shut on the 10th and 11th June for staff training. These days are invaluable for teachers to develop their skills and plan new and exciting learning activities for the children.

Many thanks for your support. Stay safe. 

Mr Whipps

G7 Update from Devon and Cornwall Police
Over the coming days as we near the G7 Summit event, residents and communities in #Cornwall may see visible training taking place on land, in the air and on the water; particularly near the key venues.

This forms part of our planning and preparations to deliver a safe and secure event and is not something that the public should be alarmed by. The public can help us keep the event safe by being vigilant for anyone or anything that looks out of place or suspicious and by reporting it to police, security, or staff at any of the venues.

In an emergency or if you need urgent police assistance, you should always dial 999. You can report suspicious activity by contacting the police in confidence via the Anti-Terrorist Hotline 0800 789321.


Wild Tribe Day 

Wonderful Wild Tribe

On Tuesday this week, we were joined by Arena for a whole day of Wild Tribe. The sunny weather was wonderful and it was superb to be outside for the day, enjoying the school grounds.

The whole school got involved with different activities including orienteering, crafting, creating nature bookmarks and marshmallow roasting on fires. The children had an amazing day and learned a lot about nature, mindfullness and teamwork.

Thank you to the team from Arena and all the staff members for making it a wonderful day.

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Welcome to summer 

Welcome to the summer term. 

Welcome back to school after what I hope was a relaxing Easter break. The longer days and lovely weather certainly helps!

It has been lovely to see the children back in school and excited about returning. They have settled in brilliantly and are excited about their new topics and learning questions. 

Welcome also to parents of those children who are joining us in Reception in September. I remember waiting to find out school places myself and hopefully Friday brought you good news. We are really looking forward to welcoming you and will be sending more information soon. 

In the meantime, PE continues on Wednesday and children can continue to come to school in their kit. Can we remind you that as the weather gets warmer, sun hats are advised and sun cream should be applied before coming to school. 

Stay safe. 

Mr Whipps



What a difference a week makes. I hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. It makes such a difference to be able to enjoy the outdoors. 

This week we are back to our normal brilliant online learning following the STEM week last week. We are REALLY looking forward to seeing all the children back in school next Monday. If you haven't received a copy of the letter with details on returning, please contact the office. 

I've added the videos from this week to help you keep active. Why not make the best of the weather and try them outside!

KS1 Fitness

KS2 Fitness


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available, please contact the school secretary on secretary@dariteprimary.co.uk

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.