Head's Blog

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Welcome to summer 

Welcome to the summer term. 

Welcome back to school after what I hope was a relaxing Easter break. The longer days and lovely weather certainly helps!

It has been lovely to see the children back in school and excited about returning. They have settled in brilliantly and are excited about their new topics and learning questions. 

Welcome also to parents of those children who are joining us in Reception in September. I remember waiting to find out school places myself and hopefully Friday brought you good news. We are really looking forward to welcoming you and will be sending more information soon. 

In the meantime, PE continues on Wednesday and children can continue to come to school in their kit. Can we remind you that as the weather gets warmer, sun hats are advised and sun cream should be applied before coming to school. 

Stay safe. 

Mr Whipps



What a difference a week makes. I hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. It makes such a difference to be able to enjoy the outdoors. 

This week we are back to our normal brilliant online learning following the STEM week last week. We are REALLY looking forward to seeing all the children back in school next Monday. If you haven't received a copy of the letter with details on returning, please contact the office. 

I've added the videos from this week to help you keep active. Why not make the best of the weather and try them outside!

KS1 Fitness

KS2 Fitness



STEM Success

We've had an amazing week learning all about space. We've been drawing, writing, reading and investigating science. The children in all schools have been fascinated by their learning both in school and at home. 

To culminate with a big bang, Darite Primary will be going to Mars! We used the NASA "Send Your Name to Mars" scheme, we will be travelling to Mars in 2026 on the next mission! 


Welcome back 

Welcome back

Everyone at Darite has loved welcoming back the children of Critical Workers and those vulnerable children. The children at home loved seeing their friends and the catch-up of everything that happened over half term was great. Lots of walking, decorating and playing games! Hopefully you are all safe and well. Remember that school is here if you need something, just ask and if we can help, we will. 

You will have heard about the timeline for returning to school at the same time as we did yesterday. We are excited to welcome all children back but, as you would imagine, there are lots of details to work out to enable this to happen safely. There is a meeting of all heads in the trust tomorrow and we are hoping to send further details about this out later this week. Thank-you for your patience. 


To coincide with the amazing landing of the Perseverance rover this week, we are holding a STEM week in school. Each class has a range of excititng space-themed activities each day that the children can choose from. These encompass reading, writing, maths and science. There will still be two check-ins on Teams each day as an opportunity to share the work that the children have been doing at home and at school.

 Image Gallery



Assembly 10th February 2021

This week I wanted to talk about kindness and working together. In these times of lockdown, it is easy to forget that everyone is in the same storm if not the same boat. It is even more important to try and spare a thought for others and, where possible, lend a hand. With a kind word, or gensture we can have a huge impact on how people are feeling, coping and manging during lockdown. 

I would also like to share a story from home about working together to support each other. Remember, if you are finding things hard at the moment, get in touch with school. We want to help and, when we can, we will. 

Stay safe. 

Mr Whipps. 

KS1 Keep Fit

Here are the two activites from this week to help you stay active at home. Let us know how you get on. 

KS2 Keep Fit


Cornwall Virtual Games 3.0 

We need your help!

Darite needs your help!

We need your help next week when the 3rd Cornwall Lockdown Games begins. Everyone really stepped up to the plate in the summer with the first games where we earned a commendation. Wadebridge (another school in the trust won gold!) I have a friendly rivalry with Ms Whitlock – their head – and I have high hopes for Darite this time around.

The activity sheets are on the blog below. We will be doing it in school to see how many points we can score. It is an opportunity to keep fit which we all know is a great way to keep mentally fit too!

The results sheet can be found here. You only need to fill it in once so have a go at all the activities (as many times as you want to get your best score) and then send it in.

Keeping fit KS1

Each week I will post a link to a workout for KS1 and KS2 from Arena.

I am joining in at home during lockdown. The horrible weather means that even if I can't go for a walk, I can keep my excercise levels up!

Join in if you would like to.

Stay safe. Mr Whipps

Keeping fit KS2



Friday Update 

Thank you to everyone. 

Dear Parents and Carers Thank you so much for all that you have done this week in terms of making sure that pupils are accessing work, attending Live Team meetings, checking back and watching meetings if you miss the live ones, sending in work, emailing us and picking up the ‘phone if we call. We know just how challenging it all is and we have been amazed by the impressive quality of so much of the work that has been sent and uploaded.

The engagement in online lessons has gone from strength to strength. We would love to see all children on the teams meeting each day but, as a parent, I know how tricky it is to always achieve this. Once again, if you are struggling to get online, or are finding it tricky with more than one child in the house and not enough devices, PLEASE let us know as if we can help, we will. To help with the progress of the children, we would love to see one piece of writing, maths and curriculum work each week. This will help the teachers give feedback on the learning that the children are doing at home. If your child is accessing the learning through paper copies, we would love it if you drop the completed learning off when you collect the new work.

Keeping physically well is important but so is everyone’s mental wellbeing. The children (and you) all have access to the chat function that they can use to message a teacher if they are worried about the learning or something else. You can always ring school if you need some support. As a parent myself, I know the pressure that everyone is under at the moment so please know that we know you are doing your best. We are here to support you if you need it and are here for a chat if you would like some contact from school. To help support your mental wellbeing, we have updated our wellbeing section of the website. You can find out more here: https://www.dariteprimary.co.uk/Keeping_Safe/COVID_19

Mrs Lake is our English lead and has put together a guide to accessing Oxford Owl to support reading at home during the lockdown. This is attached to the bottom of this blog. The National Academy also has a huge e-book library that the children can access. It can be seen here: https://library.thenational.academy/

I wonder if I could also please ask you a favour. If you get a minute, please could you complete the questionnaire linked below. It will really help us to know if we need to tweak anything but also helps us breathe a sigh of relief if you are happy with what we are doing. Thank you.


We miss seeing everyone in school. We cannot wait to be all together again, but for now, please take care and keep doing what you can, when you can. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself. This is the most important thing. Enjoy the weekend as much as you can and stay safe.




Assembly WB 25th January 2021

I hope you all managed to keep warm over the bitterly cold weekend. Some children even told me they had some snow to play in! I am very jealous - I only got ice where I live. 

Welcome to the assembly for this week. The theme for this week is working together. It is so important that in these times we stick together and support each other. We at school are here for you, please get in touch if we can help - you are part of our community. 

Alongside this, we all know how important it is to keep our mental health positive. To this end, I am launching an optional "Weekly Challenge". Each week in this assembly I will set a challenge that everyone can take part in. I would love to share photos of your efforts on the blog to help everyone stay in contact. This week is the "Darite Biscuit Bakeoff!" We would like to see pictures (and recipes if you want to share) of your best biscuit bake. There are adult and child categories for plain and decorated so get baking!

Entries close next Monday so get cooking!


Update 22nd January 

Update on Friday 22nd January 2021

As we come to the end of another week of remote teaching, it has been so lovely to see the huge amount of learning that has been flooding Teams this week. We are looking at ways that work can be sent to teachers so that they will be able to give feedback like in school. This will be through the use of Assignments and teachers will have training in how to setup and use this – watch this space!

The live sessions are very much worth joining if you can (though they are all recorded too), as the connections made in these sessions are fantastic. The positive feelings that we get when we connect with others, shows how much we need contact and I have to tell you – I miss it! Last term I missed our whole school assemblies so I am planning to record an assembly each week, which will be ready to watch from Monday onwards on my blog.

I want to encourage activity beyond lessons do each week there will be a little challenge. Parental entries are always welcome. We will share the best on our website. There will also be links to “Clubs” that the children can access should they want to. Please tell us if you are needing help. We want to help, and we are here to support you.

Thank you to all the messages of support that you have been sending to school. It has been lovely to read the emails and notes and keep the contact with you as well as the children. To help us improve further, I would be really grateful if you could find time to complete the questionnaire below by next Friday. It will help us to know where we can get even better. If you do have any comments, please contact the school.


My last message to you and the children for today is that kindness matter: be kind to others, but also, please, be kind to yourselves. Please stay safe and look after yourselves.


Happy New Year 

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have had a peaceful Christmas and managed to relax.

No doubt you will have been watching the latest governmental briefings on the start of the new term. In line with this, I would like to confirm that Darite Primary Academy will be open for children as planned on the 4th January. We are looking forward to welcoming the children back and continuing with the learning that we started in the Autumn term.

As you are aware, we start this term in Tier 3, having left at Christmas in Tier 1. In addition to the existing guidance in school, staff will be continuing to use the staff room in a one in one out fashion and face coverings will be worn in communal areas such as corridors. To help us maintain safety in school please continue to follow the guidance provided last term.

  • We will continue to have windows and doors open in school so can we please ask that children wear appropriate, warm school uniform.
  • The same arrangements for timing for pick-up and drop-off will apply this term. Friday afternoons will still be reserved for additional cleaning. Children who are in need of educare for this time need to be booked in with Mrs Evett at the office.
  • Can we please remind parents to drop off as close to the time that the bubble your child is in opens to avoid gathering on the playground. If you have children in more than one bubble, please arrive for the opening of the earliest bubble. Staff will be in the playground to supervise children in younger bubbles. We ask that you leave once the first child has gone into school to enable the school grounds to be as empty of parents and carers as possible. This is to protect the children and staff as well as parents.
  • Only one member of a family should drop off or collect children.
  • You are encouraged to wear masks when collecting or dropping off children.
  • Further guidance for Tier 3 can be found here.

We understand that returning to school at a time when the local infection rate has increased may be a cause of concern to our families at school. Please contact the school office if you would like to talk to a member of staff. We will continue to inform you of any changes in guidance of school arrangements as soon as possible. We are all looking forward to seeing the children on Monday.

Mr Whipps.


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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available, please contact the school secretary on secretary@dariteprimary.co.uk

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.