Head's Blog

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Christmas Lunch 

Jokes, japes and food!

The whole school was rocking to the sound of Christmas today as we had our delicious Christmas dinner. The jumpers were again on display and I heard many terrible cracker jokes. My "favourite" was "What is black, white and noisy? - A zebra with a drumkit!

The food was excellent and even though we couldn't all sit in the hall this year but the festivities were in full swing. Thank you to Elsie for her fabulous culinary skills. 

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Wintry Thanks 

It has been lovely to see all the children back in school this week. The buzz of learning around the building makes a school like Darite come alive. Thank-you to all the parents and carers who have given us positive feedback about the Teams learning and we are very proud of the children for coping well.

With the holiday season fast approaching, the children have been asking about Christmas cards. We are happy for them to be brought in and to comply with COVID regulations we have made the following arrangements. Each classroom will have a post box from Monday. We ask that the children in each bubble post their cards into the box in their classroom only. We will then quarantine the cards for 72 hours and then staff will deliver them to the correct children and class. This will be done at a distance. We have arranged for each child in school to have a brown paper bag that they will be able to decorate. They will be able to put their cards and any gifts from friends into their bag to take home on the last day of term.

As we edge into colder, more icy weather can we ask that the children bring a waterproof coat and warm clothing. There have been a few children without jumpers and coats and we do not want anyone to catch a cold. Can we politely remind parents that to avoid bubbles meeting, we request that once your children are in the playground, you leave the school grounds quickly. There are some parents who are staying in the playground until the classroom doors open. This increases potential risks. If you are having problems with this arrangement, please contact the school and we can work together to find a solution. Thank-you again for your support of the children and school.

Have a fantastic weekend – wrap up warm! Mr Whipps


Welcome Back 

Welcome back and thanks

All the teachers were over the moon today as we welcomed back Class 2 from their period of isolation.

We have been so proud of the children in Class 1 and 2 over the past few weeks as they have logged in to access their learning using Teams. It has been a steep learning curve for staff as well as the children but being able to see smiling faces each day as we taught them made up for the technical gremlins. We are looking forward to seeing Class 1 back in school on Tuesday.

We are lucky to have Mr Vinton – a trainee teacher from Exeter university – join the class. Alongside Miss Barton from Plymouth, we are very proud of being a part of supporting the next generation of teachers.

Can I say a personal thank-you to all the parents and carers who have supported their children with the online learning. It has been great to hear your feedback through the chat and message functions. Thank-you. We are aware on an article in the local press and, as always, are more than happy to work with you. Please phone us or let us know on the playground, if you have any worries or concerns, so that we can support each other during these unprecedented times.

We are aware that these are difficult times for all and everyone at Darite thanks you for your continued help and support of the children and school.


Bubble Closure 

As you will be aware from the letters sent home on the 13th November, following a confirmed COVID-19 case, the school has been deep cleaned and sterilised using an anti-viral fogging machine. We are confident that the school is safe to use and those children expected to attend school should continue to do so. The Class 2 bubble has been shut until the 26th November and the learning has moved online via Teams.

If you have any problems accessing the online learning, please contact the school office and Mrs Evett will be happy to help.”



Happy Halloween Half Term

It is the end of the first full half term back after lockdown and the children have shown their true colours. They have been superstars, working hard, making friends and returning to school like they have never been away.

Thank-you so much for all the kind words that you shared with teachers this week during parent consultations this week. It always makes us happy to know that your children are coming home happy.

Thanks to everyone who has completed the permission forms on Arbor or the paper copies. Your permissions allow us to provide lots of opportunities to enhance the curriculum offered at Darite.

As we go into the half term holiday everyone at Darite would like to thank the children for their hard work and support this term alongside your support as part of the Darite Primary community. Please have a relaxing and well deserved break. We hope you enjoy whatever you get up to and we are looking forward to seeing you all on the 3rd November. Have a fantastic break.




It's another busy week at Darite this week. We've had our flu nasal sprays, balancability and the Class 1 photo for the Cornish Times! thank-you once again for your understanding and patience with the morning and afternoon routine. We will open doors to the classrooms 5 minutes early on days when it is raining. We are currently running with fewer staff and to avoid having additional supply staff, where possible, staff members are performing multiple roles. I am very grateful to them for their efforts and thankful to you for your understanding.   

There are several important updates that I would like to make you aware of. Please read the information below to ensure you are up to date with everything that is going on.

1) Year 6 trailed the use of Microsoft Teams when in Year 5. This is a secure way for teachers and pupils to collaborate with learning and communicate ideas. All children in KS2 (year 3 and up) will shortly have access to the secure class site. This is to allow learning to continue should a bubble need to close. It is important to note that this is just in case, we have no need to close bubbles at Darite.

2) We would welcome your feedback on the introduction of the new PSHE and RSE curriculum that has just been launched across the trust. As the DfE stated in July “Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. (Gavin Williamson Secretary of State for Education). The documentation can be found on our website here. Please use the form on the website to leave feedback by the 22nd October. Thank-you.

3) There will be a letter sent out shortly with the dates and times of the parent consultations for this term. We would like you to book these using the Arbor Parent Portal. If you need some help with this, please contact Mrs Evett at the office.

Thanks again for your support of the school.

Mr Whipps


More baby news! 

More baby congratulations!

A huge congratulations to Miss Godby on the birth of Oliver. Both baby and mum are doing well. We are really growing our Darite family! We are sure you will join us in wishing them both well. 

The staff are forming queues to give cuddles when we are allowed!


Baby Congratulations 


Everyone as school hopes you will join with us in welcoming the latest addition to the Darite family. Mrs and Mr Alberts welcomed baby Lowenna a few weeks ago. 

Mother and baby are doing well and we can't wait to meet her (and see Mrs Alberts) when we are allowed to. 

Huge congratulations to you both!!!



What an amazing day we have had today! It was superb to see all the children back in school for the first time in nearly 6 months. Schools always seem much more sad without children and the sounds of their laughter and learning were fantastic to hear.

There were understandably some nerves, but many more smiles and jokes as the children remembered how brilliant Darite can be. The new Reception children had a wonderful time on the new slide and climbing wall and our new friends in other classes were welcomed by the children who already call Darite home.

Thank-you so much for your support and kind words for the staff and school, we really do appreciate the help that you have been giving us in these strange times. As always, the situation at school is under constant review so alongside the message of thanks, can we please ask you to carefully read the letter that was sent home today with some further guidance and requests to help make the school day fun even more smoothly. 


Welcome Back 

Welcome Back

As we near the beginning of another year at Darite, I thought it was a good idea to update the blog and reflect on the summer and time away from school. 

I really hope you have had a relaxing summer and have had opportunities to do things as a family in the lovely weather. I also recognise that for many children, the return to school is a time of nerves and worry, particularly after such a long period away from school due to the lockdown. 

The staff at Darite have been working tirelessly to make the school as safe as possible for the return to school and there will be final arrangements for drop-off and pick-ups sent out this week. I have a meeting with the other heads of the Bridge schools on Thursday and will send out the final guidance then. In the meantime, please know that we have been working hard on training to support children who find the transition difficult  and will continue to work with pupils, families and experts to support pupils. 

On another note, to the left is a welcome video from Miss Swift who is joining us as the Class 3 teacher. Due to the rules surrounding COVID last term, she was unable to meet any children. She is a wonderful teacher and will be a fantastic addition to the team. She will be supported by Mr Dickinson. 

Class 2 will be taught by myself and Miss McLaughlin who we welcome back from maternity leave. We are really excited to have her back in school. 

Mrs Marks-Saberton joins us as a teaching assistant in Class 1 to support Mrs Lake who has moved from Class 2 to be Class 1s teacher. Mrs Price will also be in class one to provide additional help and support to the children. 

Keep watching this space for news about baby arrivals from Miss Godby and Mrs Alberts!!!

Please stay safe and stay in contact with any concerns or questions. 

Mr Whipps. 


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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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