Head's Blog

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Weekly Update 

Update for the 18th May 2020

As we draw to the end of what would have been the first half of the summer term, I'd like to thank you all for you kind words, understanding and support in what has been a very busy weekand half term. 

Thanks so much for continuing to send in your home learning. We've had some amazing work from projects on worms, more baking (my stomach always rumbles when the pictures come in) and some amazing writing. I've put just a few examples below. Thanks also to the children who got involved in the limerick day. Your attempts were miles better than mine! At the end of the week we will pause the home learning for a week (May half term) to allow you all to fully focus on enjoying time with your family in (hopefully) good weather. It will also allow the staff to move forward with planning for the second half of the term.

Remember: If your child would like to write a comment for their report, please email it to secretary@dariteprimary.co.uk so we can include it. Thanks a lot to all those children who have done this, they really make us smile.

Riddle Number 4: What's really easy to get into but hard to get out of?

Wellbeing activity of the week: Turn on all your senses when you are outside and go on a safari. How many animals, insects and birds can you spot. You will have to use all your senses to help you! Did you spot anything you have never seen before?

We are all thinking of you and hope you stay well and safe. 

Mr Whipps and all the staff at Darite. 

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Limerick Challenge 

Limerick Challenge!

Today (12th May) is National Limerick Day. I thought I would set a challenge of who can write the most creative limerick. 

Limericks are a very popular style of poem. They always rhyme but can be funny or serious. Find out how to write one here.

Your limerick can be about anything, funny, serious or just strange. It must be suitable for school. Email your writing to secretary@dariteprimary.co.uk and we'll put the best ones on the blog. I'm sure you can do better than me!

Good luck and happy writing!

Mr Whipps' Attempt
There once was a girl from Darite
Who stayed up eating sweets every night, 
She guzzled up chocs,
By the tin, tub and box, 
By the morning, her teeth were a fright!

We've had some amazing entries so far, please keep them coming in!

There once was a lad called Reuben,
Who made a very large haven.
He ate many a trout,
But as it turned out,
His den was more of a coven.

Reuben was stuck on the moor,
He felt very insecure,
But when he found
This wonderful hound,
He was happy, that's for sure.

There once was a girl called Willow
Who liked to sleep on a pillow
One night there was a lump
So she got in a grump
And shouted out the window


Weekly Update 

Updates for the week

All the staff hope that you are safe and well in these times. We are sure that like us, you have lots of questions following the Prime Minister's announcement last night. At the moment, for us in school, there is no change to the guidance, so we will be continuing to operate as we have over the last few weeks. We will continue to provide essential child care for key worker families as well as vulnerable children through the hub at St Cleer school. The message remains that it is safer to stay at home. We appreciate this is a confusing time. Once we have received further information and reviewed the guidance on how to manage a safe, phased return we will of course keep you informed. Please stay safe and take care.

Thank-you to everyone who has been sending pictures and stories in this week. VE day was still celebrated in amazing style with lots of baking, singing and dancing. Some children found out about their family history in the war which really made it personal to them. 

The home learning has again been updated. There are some changes to some areas this week so please, ask for help if you need it. 

The assembly theme this week is based on National Conversation Week. This week follows a theme each time (this year is financial) but in these strange times, it highlights the need to keep talking. It is ok to find things hard but talking to someone either in your family or with friends really can make a difference. There is lots of support you can access on the Wellbeing page of the website. 

Riddle 3: What has a mouth but can't eat?

Please stay safe and well. We will continue to update this blog with any developments from the government. 

Mr Whipps


VE Day  

75th Anniversary of V.E. Day

As you know, this Friday marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) day. The official day where the second world war ended in Europe. Fighting continued in the Far East for several more months. 

This year would have been a bank holiday to celebrate this anniversary and, although the schools and shops are still closed, we would like you to think about what it would have been like. Take some time this week to reflect on the challenges of the time along with why it was a time for celebration. 

I've added a few weblinks below to some sites you could look at. Why not have a go at cooking some recipes from the time? Make some bunting to put up in your room!


Stay well.

Mr Whipps

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Mid-week update 

Mid-week update

The teachers have send out emails to the children this week to keep in touch with them personally rather than through the website. 

We have already had so many wonderful replies and photos that I had to put them up on the blog already! 

Thank-you so much for all of these. It is superb to see so many of the opportunities that you have been sharing are out and about in the countryside, cooking, star-gazing, lego challenging and more, not just the home learning. It is so important that everyone stays well in these odd times. 

Mrs Davey and Mrs Dungey have also read a story on video. They are on the Class 1 and 2 blogs if you would like to view it.

The staff are here to help if you need any advice. 

Stay safe, and I hope you enjoy the photos of the wonderful Darite family!

Mr Whipps

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Weekly Update 

More amazing learning.

I hope this latest blog finds you well and safe. Last week we were inundated by the amazing work that we were sent in by the children. Thanks so much for sending this in, it makes the staff so happy to see you all and to look at what you've been doing. We had cooking, writing, drawing, reasearch and even a ransom note! I've attached these to this blog.

Please remember that the most important thing at the moment is to keep yourselves well and healthy. It has been great to hear from parents and carers asking questions and giving feedback.

The situation with schools opening and how this will happen remains very fluid. When we have definitive guidance, we will let all parents know. Please keep your report comments coming in, we've had some fantastic comments from the children about school that we can't wait to put on reports. 

Weekly Wellbeing: Breathing can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. The NHS website has some exercisises here that you could try. They never fail to relax me and my family.

Action for happiness have also released some resources for “Meaningful May”. There are lots of different ideas for wellbeing and mindfulness here. https://www.actionforhappiness.org/meaningful-may

Riddle Three: What is as big as you but never weighs a thing?

The weekly assembly this week is based on beach safety, ready for when we can enjoy our glorious surroundings again. 

The staff are always happy to answer questions. Please stay safe. This link https://vimeo.com/408869000 is also very useful for guidance if things are getting a bit tough at home. 

Mr Whipps

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Thank you  

Thank you so much!

The staff got a wonderful surprise from the children in Class 2 on Friday evening. The whole class out together a tearjerker of a message which had all the staff members getting very emotional!

Thank you so much for all the children for taking part and the parents and carers for putting it together. It really shows how amazing our school truly is (even though my jokes were mentioned!)

We all miss you a lot and hope that we will be able to see you all soon, back in school.

Stay well and thank you from us all. 


Beach Safety 

RNLI Assembly 4th May 2020

We are really lucky living where we do that we have access to so many amazing beaches. This week we would have welcomed the RNLI into school to update us all about beach safety. Sadly, with the lockdown and schools being shut this couldn't happen. 

This week's assembly is all about staying safe at the beaches. The website here is full of fantastic ideas, information and advice that will keep us safe when we can finally visit the beaches again. 

Have a look at the assembly and then maybe try one of these activites:

  • Create a short film about making the right choices at the beach. 
  • Make a poster about the flags that could be displayed at the beach.
  • Paint/ draw a picture linked to the topic. 

I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!

Mr Whipps


Staff message 

Message from us!

We all hope you’re safe and well. The staff at Darite would like to send you this little message at this very odd time. Please stay well and we will all see you when we can. 

Everyone at Darite. 


Hello Video 

Good Morning

Good morning everyone, I hope you are well and safe. We have now been able to add videos to the website so please keep checking the class blogs for news and updates from the teachers. 

Mr Whipps


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