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Delaware Primary Academy   July

Posted 25/07/2024
by Jane Cansdale

Musical end of year 

The year ended on a busy note for us. We relished our trip to the Box Museum, where viewing artifacts from the Ancient Egyptian era linked to our history studies this term was fascinating.

Fortunately, the rain held off during our Sports week, allowing us to enjoy our races thoroughly.

In Science, we've delved into the world of sound this half term. Discovering the mechanics of how we perceive sound has been intriguing.

When sound reaches us, the air particles inside our ear canal vibrate and strike the eardrum. This causes the eardrum to vibrate, and these vibrations are transmitted to three tiny bones in the ear known as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The stirrup bone impacts the cochlea, which converts the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to our brain through the auditory nerve. Once the signal arrives at our brain, it interprets the signal as the sound we perceive.

To delve deeper into sound, we applied our Design and Technology (DT) skills to create our own instruments. We started by designing our instrument, then proceeded to construct it using skills such as drilling, sawing, gluing, and finishing. Our efforts culminated in a proud performance at the end of the term.

We bid a bittersweet farewell to two of our boys from the ARC as they embark on their journey to Secondary school this coming September. 
Wishing David and Joe the very best of luck. 

May everyone have a delightful Summer holiday.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 24/07/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Design Technology - Terrariums 

This term we collected gorgeous items from the beach so that we could create our own terrariums. The children cannot wait to see how these grow over the summer holidays. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 24/07/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Mousehole Cat - Art project - July 2024

During our wonderful Cornwall topic the children in Year 3 have been learning about the story of The Mousehole Cat. They then created collages of this story. 


Polperro Primary Academy   Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Posted 24/07/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Happy Summer Holidays!

I can't quite believe we have made it to the end of this academic year! What a brilliant year Landaviddy class have had! 

Thank you to all who came to our book share on Monday. It is always lovely to be able to share with you all the learning we have covered this year. 

During our final week, we have been working hard on writing our persuasive letters to Peter Pluto. I was amazed by all of your hard work and the reasons you gave were superb. Well done everyone! We also concluded our enquiry 'What's on our doorstep?' which we have thoroughly enjoyed.

Congratulations to Nevaeh for achieving her 22 club, as well as Anya and Jamie for their 77 club! 

Remember to keep reading as much possible, practising your times tables and finding any opportunities to get writing! 

I hope you all have a wonderful summer break, find lots of time to rest and most importantly, have fun! Hopefully, we will have lots of sunshine too! 

I look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Thank you and goodbye.

Posted 24/07/2024
by Suzanne Cooper

Dear Parents and Carers,
I cannot believe how fast this summer term has gone and suddenly I find myself writing to you for the final time. It has been a real pleasure to work at Brunel for so many years, most recently as a headteacher. I have always felt so thankful that I chose teaching as a career as I've enjoyed every day of coming to 'school'. No two days are ever the same and primary aged children are a constant source of delight and amazement. I am lucky to have worked with such a brilliant team of teachers, TAs and wider school and Bridge Trust staff, but it is obviously your children who really put the joy into this job and make all the hard work worthwhile.
I'd sincerely like to thank all parents/carers for your support, some of you over many years, the Brunel community really is the 'best' and I'm proud of what we've achieved together. 
This morning in assembly we talked about our Brunel/Bridge values; be enthusiastic, be determined, be creative, be excellent, be curious and be responsible. We looked at the varied achievements of T.V. adventurer Ben Fogle who, having been a child who struggled at school and lacked confidence, has displayed many of these characteristics over the course of his career. Ben has recorded a special message for Brunel Primary and Nursery Pupils. The link is .
I wish the very best in the future for yourselves and your children and know that I leave Brunel in good hands with the fabulous Brunel team and Mr Woolner.
With very best wishes,  Suzanne Cooper  


Pelynt Primary Academy   Leavers 2024!

Posted 24/07/2024
by Joanna Rickard

We hope that all the children and their families enjoyed our leavers ceremony and Teddy Bears picnic.  It was so lovely to celebrate each and every one of our individual leavers, they all made us so proud standing up and being presented their leaving gifts by Mr Knight! 

All of you are wonderful, and we are going to miss you lots! But we wish you all the best as you move on to Lantic Class.  

We also must mention the younger children that sat with them during the ceremony who made us very proud too, understanding that it was a celebration for their friends who are leaving pre-school. 

Thankfully the rain held off and we were able to enjoy a delightful picnic in the garden with our bear friends, thank you if you came and joined us in the celebrations. 

Before we sign out for a little rest and reset over the summer break, we would also like to make a special mention and thank you to Mrs G. I know all our families will follow in saying a heartfelt thank you for everything you have done for the children and families over the past year.  You are wonderful and we will miss you.  We also wish you lots of luck in your new school.  

Finally, we return to pre-school on Wednesday 4th September, Mrs Rickard, Miss Carr and Mrs Rowe will be there to welcome back all the children and our new starters. 


We wish you all a safe, fun, and hopefully sunny summer break, 

The Pre-School Team. 


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow Class Blog 23.7.2024

Posted 23/07/2024
by Karen Taylor

School's Out for Summer!

We have enjoyed a fantastic last day in Penhallow today which rounds up our amazing year! We started the day with a final assembly for this school year. We enjoyed a very tasty and different fruit snack where we were able to try some new fruits and cover them in chocolate if we wished! A yummy treat for our last day! We then enjoyed a lovely garden party with our handmade bubble wands.

Leading up to today, we had a fantastic week of learning. In English looked at what made a diary and wrote our own from a Pirates perspective. In maths, we completed our topic of measurement, learning all about time and money. In RE, we considered why Churches are 'special' to Christians. In PE, we enjoyed a swimming lesson where we explored floating! 

This is my final blog for Penhallow and Polperro school. I have selected a few of my favourite photos from the year but this was very tricky, there were so many to choose from! I have enjoyed a fantastic year in Penhallow and will treasure the memories we have made! The children are all amazing and inspire me every day! I will miss them all terribly. Thank you for the opportunity to teach your amazing children and thank you for the kind gifts, cards and words today. They mean the world to me! I have been lucky to have worked alongside the most amazing team. Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Mrs Hodge have helped me to create the most amazing experiences for the children in Penhallow this year. It will be very strange going to another school in September. I will ensure I see the children again soon and be sure to say hello if you see me around the beaches or coast paths this summer!

TwinklGO! is set up and remains valid for another 25 days which should see you well into the holidays!
Codes below - 
Reception Maths: KH1650
Reception Phonics: WJ7324
Year 1 Maths: WP7249
Year 1 Phonics: QH5034

Remember to keep up with your daily reading and handwriting! But most importantly, enjoy every second of your summer holidays! (Hopefully you'll have the chance to use those sunglasses!)

Keep shining and being the amazing stars you are!

Mrs Taylor XX


Polperro Primary Academy   23/7/24

Posted 23/07/2024
by Julie Peat

The end of term has arrived! Today we said farewell to our big children who will be going to school in September. 
We had a lovely graduation where the children sang beautifully to all of their familles and collected their graduation certificates.
We wish them the best of luck for when they start school in September.
We will also look forward to seeing our younger members return in September along with some new faces.

Have the best summer and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Julie and Sarah



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 23.07.24

Posted 23/07/2024
by Helen King

School's out for summer!

Goodbye and good luck to all of Lantic Class for an amazing year.  Have a wonderful summer break and I look forward to seeing you around school when you return to Year 3.

Just a glimpse down memory lane with these pictures from over the whole year... What a busy year!! We hope you've enjoyed your learning over the year and have made lots of happy memories to take with you on your journey!

Lots of love,  Mrs. Stevens and Miss Sleep xx


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 23/07/2024
by Jane Wills


This year's scarecrow is up on the gate, thank you to Mrs Fernie and Mrs Phillips - it is looking fantastic!
All children have contributed with artwork so it is a true collaborative affair. We hope it also proves to be a good fundraising idea, with the QR code providing a direct link to our WISHLIST on Amazon for reading books for both classrooms. 
Photos and the QR code is attached below.


Polperro Primary Academy   End of term 23 July 2024

Posted 23/07/2024
by Anthea Hillman


We are at the end of another wonderful year at Polperro School. The children have worked extremely hard all year which you will have seen in their books at the book share yesterday. They have achieved so much and we are all proud of them all as I am sure you are. Thank you so much for all of your support throughout the year.

We have said some emotional goodbyes this week, firstly to our amazing Y6s who we are sure will all go on to do great things. We have also said goodbye to Mrs Taylor in a special assembly this morning. We will all miss seeing her smiling face in school and I am sure you will join me in wishing her all the best for the future.

Summer Fete It was lovely to see so many of you at our Summer Fete on Friday. It was such an enjoyable afternoon and we raised approximately £1000! Thank you to the parents/grandparents who helped out on the day and to everyone in FOPS who help organize such an enjoyable afternoon. We will keep you posted about what we use the funds for.

House Team Winners We have enjoyed our new house points teams system this year. It was very close: Chestnut 343 points; Ash 363 points; Willow 367 points and Oak 372 points. Congratulations to Oak, the overall winner and our first ever champions.

Online Safety During the summer holidays, without the distraction of school, internet usage for many young people can increase all the way up to September. Please use this link for more information about keeping children safe online children safe when using the internet, social media and playing online games.

I will contact you all at the end of the summer break.  Meanwhile, here is the main information you will need about the new term in September.

Dropping off and picking up In September, the gates will be open from 8:30 to allow you plenty of time to drop off in order for your child to be in school ready for registration at 8:45. Please drop by 8:40 so that they are there in plenty of time for registration at 8:45. As usual, pick up time for all classes will be 3:15 with Penhallow Class leaving from the side gate and Talland and Chaipel Classes from the main gate. Parents of pupils in Landaviddy Class (year 2/ year 3) are asked to wait for their child outside Landaviddy Classroom on the playground.

Swimming PE kit should come in on the first day of term and be in all half term. The swimming pool will still be open in September therefore please send your child in with their swimming kit on the first day.

After School and Breakfast Clubs Wraparound care will start on the first day back (4th September). Please email the office ( if you would like your child to attend.

INSET Tuesday 3rd September is an INSET day. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school at 8:30 on Wednesday, 4th September.

Thank you again for all of your support throughout the year.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer break. 

Mrs Hillman


St Cleer Primary Academy   Cycling into Summer!

Posted 23/07/2024
by Michele Spencer

A wonderful morning at Siblyback with year 6 and a calm morning back at school leads us nicely into the summer break. Take very good care and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th September. 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 23/07/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer is here

It has been a fantastic year in Tregeagle with lots of focused learning, interesting trips to enhance the curriculum and the launch of our water sports programme. We have had a lots of fun as a class and look forward to more excitement next year. We say goodbye to our Year 6 and look forward to welcoming our new classmates from Canute class.

Have a great summer, enjoy our little corner of Cornwall and we will see you back on Wednesday 4th September at 8:45am.

Mr Twaite and Mrs Wills


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 23/07/2024
by Jane Wills

Last week

It has been another good year for our little school. We continue to maintain the 2-class structure with nursery provision, offering extra-curricular after school clubs and a wide variety of trips and visitors to support the curriculum learning. This year, we have again benefitted from the generosity of our local community with funding for water sports, swimming lessons and a fantastic theatre trip to watch Aladdin.

Inside the building, we have had our internet connection updated with connectivity for the Rainbow Room and improved connection in Tolbenny class so we can use all spaces for teaching. We have invested in new books across the school, so our reading materials reflect up-to-date experiences, authors and interests, helped by funding from the English Hub. We have also created a wish list on Amazon for more high-quality books for both classrooms and if you wish to make a donation, the QR code is below here or you can find it on our Reading Super Hero Scarecrow on the gate.

On Friday, we said goodbye to our Year 6 in the Leaver’s Assembly. These occasions are often sad and emotional; however, they are primarily a time for joy and celebration as we reflect on the journey of our pupils while at Polruan school. Our Year 6 has made us laugh aloud with quirky observations of life in the classroom, inspired our thinking and learning but most of all they have made us proud! They have been an outstanding role model for our younger pupils, demonstrating our core values of respect, resilience, tolerance, understanding and responsibility. They have made fantastic academic progress and achieved well above national average in all their SATs and they have shown ambition, determination and a want to succeed and for that they deserve recognition. They are a credit to themselves, their families and our school and I am certain they will continue to flourish and thrive at secondary school.

In September, the children return to school on WEDNESDAY 4th as we have a teacher INSET day on Tuesday 3rd September. We will continue with our current arrangements of all children entering the school via the top gates which will be opened at 8:40. The children will have the opportunity to play with friends until the bell at 8:45am. Class teachers will then escort the children to their classrooms, ready for the start of the day.

It has been another adventurous year for us all with lots of enjoyable learning experiences to share and reflect on over the summer. We are pleased with the close ties between parents and school and thank you all for the strong support you have provided across the year and we look forward to continuing working closely with the very special community Polruan is. We have lots of exciting plans for the next academic year which we will share on our return in September.

I hope you can all enjoy a well-earned break this summer in our lovely corner of Cornwall. On behalf of all the staff, thank you for your continued support.

With the warmest wishes,
Jane Wills


Wadebridge Primary Academy   End of term

Posted 23/07/2024
by Chris Wathern

Farewell to Staff
During our assembly this morning, we said farewell to Mrs Lee Elkins, Mrs Jeffry, Miss Warren and Ms May.

As mentioned a few weeks ago, they have collectively given so many years to our school.

We had poems, cards, presents and films to say a huge thank you to such a talented and dedicated group of staff. We will miss them very much.

Year 6 Leavers
Last night Year 6 had their Leavers’ Prom – what an amazing evening despite the Cornish mizzle! It was lovely seeing them celebrate their final year of primary school having fun at the outdoor disco; in the face paint booth; tackling the inflatable assault course and tasting all the wonderful doughnuts provided by Barnecutts (after their fish and chips supper). A special thank you to the Year 6 team for organising such a special evening. Alongside their assembly this morning, they did themselves very proud at their recent performance as well as letting their hair down on the Slip ‘n’ Slide trip. We wish them all the very best as they transition to secondary school.

Year 2 Cornish WOW Day

To celebrate the end of their Cornwall topic, 'Did the Cornish do a Proper Job?' Year 2 had a day full of Cornish activities! They sang a special WPA version of 'Cornwall My Home' to start the day, then designed Cornish tea towels and played Cornish games that consisted of Welly Wanging and Tug of War. The Maids and the 'Ansomes had a brilliant day topped off with Cornish pasties in the afternoon. This term the children have learnt the Helston Flora dance and the history of the railway in and around Wadebridge. They also learnt how children worked in the tin mines and that conditions were very dangerous. The children did not fancy doing that job! We feel that Year 2 now have a better understanding of the county they live in, and are proud of the culture that is around them.

Gwres da Year 2! (Well done, Year 2)

September Opening Times

From September, the gates in the morning will be open at the following times for children to come into school:

08:25 Nursery gate opens
08:30-08:45 Reception to Year 6 gate opens

Please note that children arriving before these times won’t be supervised; thank you for your co-operation.

Thank you!
A special thank you to our children. You have achieved great things and shown so much perseverance this year. You can do anything you put your mind to and we all look forward to being part of your ongoing learning journey.

None of this would be possible without the support and dedication of a fantastic team of staff. Thank you to the team! I wish them a well-deserved summer break.

A final thanks to you, our parents; your incredible support is so valued.

On behalf of everyone at WPA, I hope you have a truly restful summer break. For those who are moving on, we wish you the very best and hope WPA has provided many fulfilling memories. For all those families returning, we look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday 4th September (Nursery opens on Tuesday 10th September).

With very best wishes,
Chris Wathern


St Cleer Primary Academy   Year 6 Farewell

Posted 22/07/2024
by Michele Spencer

Year 6 - we are looking forward to our Siblyback farewell on Tuesday 23rd July - we will miss you all and wish you the very best as you move forward. You are well prepared for these next steps and we are so pleased that we have been part of your journey. Remember this is not an is just the part of your story where you turn the page.


Trenode C of E Primary Academy  

Posted 22/07/2024
by Peter Abraham

End of Summer Term 2
As we approach the end of this memorable school year, we reflect on the wonderful experiences and achievements we have shared. This year has been marked by numerous exciting events and activities which have not only been educational but also incredibly enjoyable. One of the highlights was our visits to the beach. The joy of feeling the warm sand between your toes and the refreshing splash of the waves will surely be cherished memories for many years. The surfing trips were an exhilarating adventure where everyone had the chance to learn new skills and embrace the thrill of riding the waves. Furthermore, our Activity Week was a resounding success! It was a week filled with diverse activities that catered to all interests, from arts and crafts to sports and teamwork challenges. Each activity was carefully designed to encourage creativity, collaboration, and a sense of accomplishment. In addition to the fun, we also undertook the important task of litter picking in our local community. This initiative not only helped to keep our environment clean but also instilled in us the value of responsibility and the importance of taking care of our surroundings. Finally, we cannot forget the spectacular performance of our 'Pantaastic' play. Your hard work and dedication were evident in every scene, and it was a delight to see each of you shine on stage. The play was not merely a performance but a testament to your creativity and teamwork. As we prepare to move on to new adventures, let's carry these experiences and lessons with us. Have a fantastic summer holiday, and remember to always aim high and be the best version of yourselves. 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Guitar performance 2024

Posted 22/07/2024
by Michele Spencer

Thank you to Matt and well done to all of our guitar super stars this morning!


Gunnislake Primary Academy   July 2024 Blog

Posted 22/07/2024
by Michael Sherwood

Well, that is it, the 2023/4 academic year has come to a close. It seems like only yesterday that I sat down to write my first blog post. It has been an incredibly busy half term here in Perranporth, here are some of the highlights.

The wonderful Miss Hannaford put on an amazing sports week. There was a lovely variety of activities, from tournaments to the Bridge MAT games and our traditional sports day. The class were a delight throughout the week, especially during the Bridge MAT games where the class were looking after and supporting the younger children in their groups. Some of the class also got the opportunity to support the year 6s with their gun running races, I know they enjoyed this immensely and are looking forward to doing more of it next year. The children’s determination, endurance and teamwork were apparent during this week, and they really did themselves proud.

Further on into the half term, the children received a sex and relationship education lesson from an NHS nurse. The children learnt about all the changes that will happen to their body of the next few years. The children demonstrated amazing respect and understanding during this afternoon session and I received very positive feedback for their attention and focus during the lesson.

A few weeks later, the children had their transition morning in Year 6 with Mrs David. The children had a wonderful time and feel more prepared for their last year of primary school now that they have had some time to experience it. While it may be scary for some of them, I know that they will all support each other going into September.

Of course, no summer term would be complete without the summer show. The children worked so hard during their rehearsals for Travels with Cousin Jack, with multiple trips up to Delaware for singing practice, dress rehearsals and preparing for the show. The class put on 3 wonderful performances to the adults, going from strength to strength with each performance. I cannot begin to express how proud I am of each and every one of them for their hard work and dedication they put into the show, and I know that they are going to be amazing when they take the leading roles next year!

To finish the year, the children completed their summer termly assessments. While this is not the most thrilling thing in the universe for the children to do, it does provide a good insight into how the children have progressed academically over the course of the year. I am delighted to say that the children have made wonderful progress over the course of the year, with some children making some wonderful, accelerated progress. While SATs are the better side of a year away, we have spent time preparing them for it, so they have the best possible chance to excel when they really start practicing next year.

It has been a busy half term both inside and outside the classroom. However, the children have continually upheld the school values and presented themselves in the best way possible. The children have earnt a well-earned break.

On a personal note, it is going to be very sad leaving this class and school at the end of the year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time teaching this wonderful Year 5 class. I am going to miss them immensely, and I wish them all the best for the future. Have a fantastic summer break. Mr. Sherwood


St Cleer Primary Academy   Year in review

Posted 22/07/2024
by Jacob Lewis


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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