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Darite Primary Academy   Autumn Curriculum

Posted 21/11/2024
by Thomas Whipps

Autumn 2 Learning

This term we are on the run up to Christmas! There are lots of exciting activities planned in Class 2. These are linked to Christmas and our wider curriculum enquiry which this term centres around geographical fieldwork. We are working with Trenode and Blisland schools for a fieldwork day in the moor in December. 

PE is still on a Monday and this half term the children are learning the skills for tag rugby. Children can come into school in their kits. Art and design this half term is all about 3D sculpture. The children will be creating new and exciting models of playground equipment. Thank you to everyone who has sent materials into school. We are still on the hunt for cereal boxes so if you have any of those, please send them in.

If you have any questions about the learning in Class 2, please get in touch for a chat. 

Mr Whipps and the Class 2 team. 


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   Week ending 22nd November 2024

Posted 21/11/2024
by Lynn Cox

Celebrating Copper Valley!

Well we have had out first snow day closure of the year. Thank you for your patience with regards to decision making. It was a very tough one to call as the snow only really started to fall just before 6.00am and the weather forecast predicted heavy rain by 10.00am. In the end I feel that closure was the safest option as we have several staff and pupils who travel some distance to get to the schools. I
Thank you to those of you who joined us for our celebration of Copper Valleademyy. It was lovely to see the different ways in which the year groups chose to share the history of the local area. I absolutely loved hearing the children sing the 'Copper Valley' song. A huge thank you to Darren Jane for composing and playing every instrument on the backing track and to Miss Owen for the thoughtful and very appropriate lyrics. 
Don't forget that there will be a 'Kahoot' evening next Friday at 6pm at the Junior Academy. Tickets are only £5 per person which includes a 'chippy tea' of either sausage and chips or veggie spring roll and chips. Alternatively you can just play the quiz for £2. Orders and payment are needed by Monday 25th- either cash or card. Prizes for the winners!
Enjoy the weekend.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Home Learning for School Closure

Posted 21/11/2024
by Georgina Harden

As the school is closed today due to the snow I have attached some home learning that the children can do if they wish. Please do share any work that they do via Class Dojo and we will celebrate that once we are back in school. 


Adding two 2-digit numbers. We have started this in school and the children have practised making the numbers and adding them together. I have attached some resources that will help them but please do remind them to draw the Base 10 to represent how many tens and ones are in a number as this will help them add numbers together. Worksheet and PowerPoints attached below.

BBC Biteszie:
WhiteRose Maths (this is exactly how we do it in school & this is a video for them to watch):

The children could also practise their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. We are really pushing this in school with our display on the window, certificates and rewards. In the next two weeks we will be starting our unit all about multiplication and division so any extra practise beforehand will set them up brilliantly for this topic.


This half term we have been exploring the story of Where the Wild Things Are and the children have re-written the story in school. Our next step is to innovate the story to make it our own before writing our own versions. Yesterday the children made some changes to the story by changing the main character and the activities that take place. It would be great if the children could draw their new character in their new suit and begin to write sentences to describe their new character. For example: Luna put on her bright, green dragon suit and began to make wild mischief around the house. If they are able to remember the activities that they changed in the story they could also write sentences about these too. For example: The Wild Things crowned Luna their queen and the wild rumpus began. First, they toasted pink, squishy marshmallows on an open, hot fire. Then they gazed up at the bright, shining stars before they finally danced and pranced in the moonlight. 

I have attached the PowerPoint below that we used in yesterday's lesson to help us make our changes to hopefully help them remember.

Here is a link to a video all about expanded noun phrases that will help them to describe their characters and activities:


In our science lessons we have been exploring the human life cycle and what it is. We have also started to explore matching parents and their offspring and discussing why some animals are harder to match. Below is a worksheet all about parents and offspring to deepen their understanding of what we have covered. Below are some links to help them. PowerPoint and worksheet attached below. 

Life cycles:


St Cleer Primary Academy   Snow Day activites to keep you warm and happy

Posted 21/11/2024
by Jacob Lewis

Snow is here and your school is closed

Here are some stories and activities to make sure the fun and learning continue on. Make sure you stay warm and interested.

All about animals

Have a think about what it would be like today if your home was outside like these animals. How do they survive?

Now for the science...

Watch the video and find out the scientific names for how animals survive the winter.

How can we help?

Look at this photo. What could it be? Which animal might this help in winter?

How could you make one? 

You could use an old carton or small box. Ask an adult to help with the cutting.

Think about how you would decorate it.

What sort of food would you put in it? How could you find an answer to this?
Where would you put it so that the animals could use it?

Looking for tracks

Take a look in the snow. What can you see? Have any animals been near to your house?

Look for animal tracks in the snow. If you cannot find any then try making some yourself. Check out the video below to see all about animal tracks.

Animal tracks

Just replace 'mud' for snow in this video. Unless the snow has melted and it is muddy!

A bit more fun in the snow if you can...

Catching snowflakes. If it is snowing and you have some black fabric, paper or plastic you can catch and look at snowflakes. 

You need to freeze whatever you are using to catch the snowflakes. Take it out of the freezer when it is snowing and then you can catch and take a very close look at snowflakes.

Are they all different? What shapes can you see? Can you draw what you saw?

Finally a story all about winter arriving


St Cleer Primary Academy   Snow Day Home Learning

Posted 21/11/2024
by Charlotte Godby

Home Learning

I imagine, that much like myself, you are looking out onto to a beautiful blanket of snow that has covered our usual views. If you are feeling inspired by this weather, please follow your inspiration and creativity to draw, paint or sketch what you can see or write a poem, diary entry, newspaper report or blog about what is happening around us.

Please feel free to also continue learning our story map for "Holes" which I have attached below, practise your times tables, have a go at the Maths challenges below and or curl up somewhere comfortable and enjoy a good book.

Best wishes,

The 5/6 MG team 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Snow day activities

Posted 21/11/2024
by Thomas Hazlewood

Snow day Activites (21st November)

Unfortunately, the school has had to remain closed today due to the heavy snow falling in St Cleer.

Please see below some learning activities you can use today (mainly winter themed).
-  Learn the class text map (text map and WAGOLL text provided)
-  Solve the maths mystery
-  Easier, Medium, Harder maths challenge cards to try to solve.
-  Iceberg area challenge (remember - to calculate the area of a triangle you calculate WIDTH x HEIGHT...then divide by two).


Trenode C of E Primary Academy   Kilminorth

Posted 20/11/2024
by Kirsa Lozynski

This term the Kilminorth children had an exciting enrichment trip to Looe, exploring the town and identifying its key features. With curiosity and enthusiasm, they discovered landmarks like the harbour, beach, and quaint streets, learning about Looe’s history and its importance as a fishing port. Guided walks helped them observe natural and man-made features, from the winding river to the bustling shops. The children enjoyed sketching scenes, asking questions, and connecting classroom learning to real-world experiences. This hands-on exploration deepened their understanding of geography, history, and community. It was a valuable opportunity to appreciate the beauty and significance of their local area.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Nativity performance information

Posted 20/11/2024
by Georgina Harden

Parent Nativity Information

Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Nativity As some of you may already know we are preparing our Nativity performance to share with you all at 10:00am and 14:00pm on the 17th of December 2024. Your child will bring home a letter that tells you their part and it will have a script attached to allow children to practise their lines at home as much as possible as this will really help us during rehearsals at school. Not every part is a speaking part, but we have ensured all children will have time on the stage, are saying something as part of a group or will be taking part in a smaller group dance. The letter will say whether your child has any lines to learn.

We do kindly ask that you provide your child with their costume for the play and below I have listed some affordable costume ideas for each part. This is not an extensive list so please do not feel that you need to buy the costume listed below. If you are struggling to sort a costume for your child, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we will do our best to support you.

Announcer and narrator – Please can they wear black leggings, comfortable trainers and a Christmas jumper of their choice.

Villagers –

Camel –

Shepherd – Joseph -

Mary -

Joseph -

Innkeeper - 3

Kings - Angels -

Donkey -

Donkey attendant -

We are really looking forward to sharing our performance with you! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact.

Best wishes,
Miss Harden and the Year 2 team


St Cleer Primary Academy   A week of fun

Posted 20/11/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Another fun week at Pre school.

Last week we were very lucky to have the two Mikes from East Cornwall search and rescue come in and give us a talk. We learnt a lot about what they do, but best of all we got to try everything out. We got to lift Miss Harden on a stretcher, have a go in the tent, lay on a stretcher and then when we got to go outside we got to play tug of war with the truck!  A few of us enjoyed beeping the horn and having a look inside the truck. 

We have also been lucky enough to have Coach James from Kixx here every Monday with us. Our gross motor and hand eye-coordination skills are really improving.  We love our Monday sessions. 

Our nursery  rhyme of the week last week was 'ring -a - ring -roses' We are really enjoying learning a nursery rhyme a week and can't wait to perform them for you. 

We have learnt to recognise numbers 1-7 and this week we are learning number 8. Can you spot any numbers at home or when you are out and about. 

** Please don't forget to bring in your Christmas boxes this week for all of our lovely crafts to go in!** 

The weather is getting colder please bring in a warm coat, wellies, hat, scarf and gloves ( please make sure they are named!) We do go outside!! 

Well done for another amazing week everyone :) 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Autumn 2 in 5/6MG

Posted 20/11/2024
by Charlotte Godby

Hello and welcome back for Autumn 2

The children have started back with enthusiasm after half term and have made a good start to our new learning topics.

Our topics for this half term can be found in the overview that I have attached below. In addition to this you will find this half term’s Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to practice with your child. I have also included the Year 5 and Year 6 recommended reads and statutory spelling lists.

Our PE day continues to be on a Tuesday – please remember that children should come into school in full PE kit.

We will endeavour to regularly update this blog to give you a flavour of what we have covered in class, and also pass on any important information. To help us with this, please make sure that all permissions are up to date on Arbor so that we can share images as soon as possible.

In Upper Key Stage 2, it is important to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. A reminder that our home learning expectations are: Daily Reading (15 minutes) – recorded reading record to contribute to a Reading Karate reward Times-tables and KIRF practice (20 minutes weekly) using TTRS and the KIRF sheets below Spellings (20 minutes weekly).

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

All the very best, Miss May, Ms Godby-Blake and the Year 5/6 team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   w.e. 14th November

Posted 19/11/2024
by Leonie Swabey

Antibullying Week, Maths Week England, Local Visits and Violin Concerts!

My goodness, what an action-packed week Talland have had!

In English, we have been learning to recite and analyse 'From a Railway Carriage'; a Victorian poem penned by Robert Louis Stevenson.

To inspire our writing, as well as further our learning about the Industrial Revolution we visited the 'Bridging the Tamar' exhibit and workshop on Thursday. We found out the history of both the Royal Albert Bridge and Tamar Bridge, and details of how they were created, as well as what the area looked like before either were built. In addition, we learned about the cause and effects of the Industrial Revolution, and how our school's namesake was at the heart of this.

Rounding off the week, we held a violin concert to demonstrate what we had been learning with Sally Bartholomew from Asone music hub. I'm sure those parents, who were able to attend, would agree that the progress that they have made in playing the violin, as well as musical concepts like rhythm, reading music and notation, was astounding. If your child would like to continue learning to play the violin, we are very lucky to have Mr Jane who provides lessons. For those children who are in receipt of free school meals, there is often a subsidy available to help with the cost.

Finally, in addition to all of this, we carried out many activities based around Anti-bullying Week and Maths Week England, including a maths treasure hunt where each answer led them to the next clue.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   STEM

Posted 19/11/2024
by Sarah Burton


This morning, Seaton class took part in a STEM workshop. 

They learned how to build a robot from Lego by following instructions and then they were able to design and personalise their robots. Once it was finished, they used their coding skills to guide the robot across a maze. 

It was a fun-packed morning and all the children were all successful in getting their robots to follow their coding. There was some fantastic team work. Excellent work Seaton class. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Science - gears and cogs

Posted 19/11/2024
by Leonie Swabey

We ended our unit on forces today by looking at gears. 

We discussed the different types of gears and what they might be used for. The children were surprised to find out how many things contain gear mechanisms, especially children's toys. 

Then the class were able to explore and experiment with gears by using plastic models and online programmes. They wanted to find out the direction that gears turn and how the number of teeth impacts the speed at which a gear will rotate. They were able to adjust the size, shape, speed and style of different gears. 


Polperro Primary Academy   22/11/24

Posted 19/11/2024
by Julie Peat

This week we have been exploring shape and number and beginning to answer our new question "How do i use maths in nursery?"
The children have been busy on the tuft tray identifying numbers and filling cups with the correct amount of pom poms to match. They have been making stick shapes and identifying amounts and quantity and have used paint to trace shapes.
The children have been learning different numbers and trying to identify them from sight as well as making a collage number picture.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of"Simon sock" who longs to be a part of a matching pair.

In phonics we have been repeating patterns of sound, talking about, exploring and identifying words that all start with the same sound and we have explored voice sounds, making different sounds and seeing how our mouths move to make these sounds.

Have a great weekend

The nursery team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Violins

Posted 18/11/2024
by Sarah Burton

Concert time!

Over the last 10 weeks, we have been learning to play the violin with Mrs Bartholomew. 

She has taught us how to hold the violin properly and even follow sheet music. We learned about pulse, rhythm, crescendos and listening for a beat. 

The children have really enjoyed learning a new instrument and some of them were surprised by how quickly they picked it up.

On Friday afternoon, the class put on a concert to their parents to show them everything they have learned. It was a great success. Thank you to all the parents that came to watch.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Bridge Visit

Posted 18/11/2024
by Sarah Burton

Industrial Revolution

This week, we went on a visit to the museum at the Tamar Bridge Office.

We walked from school over the bridge first which will help us write our poems next week. We really enjoyed the amazing views.

We learnt all about the industrial revolution and how the bridge was made. It was really interesting to find out how they would have dug under the water. 

Then we got to explore in the interactive part and build our own bridges. Another fun part was looking at the cameras and watching different parts of the bridge in action. 



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 18/11/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 15.11.24

What a fun-filled week, jam-packed with learning about respect for Anti-Bullying week and maths activities for Maths Week!

We spent time to remember lives lost on Remembrance Day and did activities in class for our remembrance service. Some children went to St Anne’s and designed medals. 

The children have also greatly enjoyed learning about earthquakes, creating video news reports (reporting on an earthquake) and learning about how to make buildings safer in their DT project to build a building to withstand an earthquake!

We even squeezed in Children in Need on Friday and some super learning about soils in Science! 


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 18/11/2024
by Helen Divall

Outdoor Learning

The children have been exploring the school field during their outdoor learning session. Some children went on our balance bikes, some went to the poly tunnel and others collect treasures for our classroom. At the firpit, the children enjoyed beans on toast.


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 18/11/2024
by Helen Divall

Apple Crumble

Big Nursery went to the cooking room to make apple crumble with Mrs Smith. The children all washed their hands and put on an apron before they began cooking. They then carefully peeled some apples before cutting them. The children used the scales to measure the butter and flour before mixing it together to make a crumble. The crumble was cooked in the oven, then the children all had a taste. It was delicious.  


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Creative for Climate Justice

Posted 18/11/2024
by Laura Cole

Class 3 have been working incredibly hard on their entries for Get Creative for Climate Justice Parliamentary Exhibition 2025.
Get Creative For Climate Justice asks young people to use their amazing creativity and send a loud and clear climate justice message to MPs and Government Ministers. 
We have been focusing on how animals and their habitats are impacted by climate change and hope the artwork we have been doing can help to raise awareness.


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