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Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

We have come to the end of Sports Week. A week full of sporting endeavors, sportsmanship and fun. Sports activities are always popular at Polruan; the children enjoy being active, being outside and challenging themselves and this fantastic attitude means that Sports Week is one of the best weeks in our school calendar. Throughout the week, the children have been competing in the Bridge School Games, challenging themselves in a range of sports which this year has a French theme reflecting the Olympics.

Sports Day

Thursday was thankfully a sunny dry day, and a huge turnout made the occasion even more special. We continued with our tradition of having the races in the morning and all of us stayed on the field for a picnic and a play. A big THANK YOU to every one who donated cakes and raffle prizes and to Mrs Hughes and Mrs Fernie for organising – we raised an amazing £105 which will go towards trips and outings for the children.


Summer term is one of transition and this year we have planned slightly differently to support our Year 6 with transition to secondary school. We have been working with Fowey Primary school so our Year 6 is travelling across the river to spend time with the Year 6 class, making friends and building relationships ready for Year 7. For the new Year 3 children, we continue the tradition of inviting them to Tregeagle class for taster mornings/afternoons throughout the half term.

Achievement Assembly

Reader of the Week:
Antonia for enthusiasm in all reading activities adding energy to learning.
Leia for brilliant sounding out using her phonics

Star of the Week:
Ailla for a fantastic sporting attitude to team work and fair play during our sports week.
Ronnie for great sportsmanship and working well with class mates.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

Water Sports
This week, we tried sailing. It was lovely to watch the confidence the children now have on the water. They all embraced the experience and keenly hovered up the new vocabulary and skills taught to make this a successful experience. Bravery was everywhere, from Liam and Jakson choosing to sail in the small dinghy by themselves, to Antonia jumping off the boat into deep water for a swim. Teamwork was key and the crew of the larger dinghy showed this beautifully, navigating the various roles onboard to sail the dinghy out of the harbour. It was fantastic to see the children deploying the water safety skills they have learnt in swimming lessons and adapting these to the open water environment.

We have come to the end of sentence stacking lessons and the children are now planning their independent piece of writing. Some of the children are writing an explanation text based on a machine of their choice from our visit to Discovery 42 and Year 5-6 are writing an additional stanza to the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling to explore advice they would give in a challenging situation.

We continue to explore the water cycle and rivers. There is lots of new vocabulary to learn for this unit of work, so we are finding different ways to recap and retrieve learning to make sure concepts are embedded and lodged in the long-term memory.

Head over to SeeSaw for photos and learning journeys.

Next week is a quieter week with less events; sailing on Wednesday and Forest School on Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend, Mrs W s.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 2 Week 3

Posted 21/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Polperro Primary Academy   21st June 2024

Posted 21/06/2024
by Anthea Hillman

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the School’s festival day on Tuesday. We are extremely proud of the way the children performed and have been delighted with your kind feedback about the children’s performances and the day. Thank you.

We had even more excitement yesterday with an Olympic Day for years 2-6 which involved the children learning Olympic Sports such as Fencing and Archery. The children have enjoyed participating in the Bridge Schools Games all week. Photos of the Games, the festival, and the Olympic Day are on the class blogs.
Sports Day will be held next Tuesday 25th June, starting at 10:00 am and ending at 12:00.  Please ensure your child has their kit in school and a sun hat and sun cream and a water bottle. The forecast looks good and we are looking forward to seeing you there.

Football Open Sessions Please see poster attached outlining dates and locations for the Plymouth Argyle Academy open sessions for year 1 and 2 children.

Dance Classes Please see details attached for local dance classes available.

Bikeability summer sessions Please find attached a poster with details of Bikeability sessions over the summer holiday for pupils aged 9 and over.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Emily Randle

It has been a fun-packed week in Chaipel this week. It began with the introduction to our Bridge School Games and everyone was excited to be involved. 

Polperro Festival School's Day on Tuesday was a roaring success, with many locals commenting on it being the best one yet! We had such positive feedback regarding the behaviour, positivity and 'excellence' of the children: real advocates to our values. Our performance of Goodnight Mr Hitler was incredible and all involved gave it their best. One very proud teacher here!

Thursday was a very sporty day. Three members of Arena visited the school to show us a range of alternative sports. We had a go at archery, fencing, javelin throwing and long jump, competing in teams representing the Olympic 'ring' colours in the afternoon. Well done to all competing but especially to the yellow 'Team Asia' for being the overall winners! 

We have really shown our values this week in competing in the Bridge School Games. Everyone has given 100% and thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the events.

In other area of our learning, we have been planning our crime-based narratives, writing sinister setting descriptions and planning our suspects, their alibis and the crime itself. I can't wait to see what Chaipel eventually write; the plans all look fabulous so far!

Y6 Parents
A polite reminder that we have a meeting at 3:15 on Monday to go over final preparations for our Residential the following week. I've attached a copy of the kit list below - no pillow or sleeping bag is needed as it is all provided!

Sports Day
Just to remind you all that our Sports Day is on Tuesday, starting at 10am. Please make sure that you have a sun hat, sun cream and water with you as the forcast (at the moment) is a hot one!

Thanks again, parents, for your support in making the festival so fantastic this year! 

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 21st June 2024

Posted 21/06/2024
by Rebecca Horn

What a wonderful ending to the week....sports day and a family picnic. You will see some of our class with their stickers in the main photo. We thoroughly enjoyed having our families as an audience and we enjoyed our first sports day! Thank you for coming to support us, your cheering really encouraged us! 

It has been great to see the progress the children are making with their tricky words, I was so impressed yesterday! Well done to all of those children who have been practicing at home.

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: An item that begins with the first letter of your name. Please bring the item in on Thursday morning or if emailing a photo please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

We hope to see you at our Trelawny Day service at the church on Friday 28th June at 2:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Class 1 Team


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 21.6.24

Posted 21/06/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Blog 21.6.24

WOW! What an awesome week it's been!

I think it's fair to say that the Polperro Festival was a raging success! As I'm sure you were - I was so proud of all the children! They performed fantastically. I was blown away! Thank you so much for helping your children to learn their lines and organising costumes. They looked brilliant!

We've also had Polperro Olympics Day AND The Bridge School Games this week! So much going on and I think the children have had a thoroughly good time. Hopefully they'll sleep well this weekend for you - I know I will!

Next week we have Sports Day on Tuesday 25th June so please make sure your child has all their PE kit and are ready and raring to go. I'm also looking forward to the parent race so make sure you have your sports gear on too!

 A huge well done to Tabbi and Nuala for earning their badge in 99 club and to Lily also, who has been noticed for being particularly enthusiastic this week! 

That's all from us in Talland class. We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 3 

Some of Foundations exploring:

This week foundation have continued to write sentences linked to seaside pictures. They are improving day by day! The children have been using scissors lots in funky finger activities this week to ensure they can hold scissors with ease. In maths the children have been exploring repeated patterns, they have made seaside repeated patterns and have worked so hard, even with the tricky ones!

They have also , made sea bubble pictures using bubbly paint, designed sandcastles and lollies, made sea creatures from plasticine and so much more!


Some of Year 1’s learning this week:

This week the year ones have started to explore recounts in English, they have been learning what features make a great recount. They have also been revisiting conjunction ‘and’ and time conjunctions too and using these in their writing. They will be writing a recount of our beach trip next week!

In maths we have finished our place value to 100 unit and have begun exploring money. During Science this week the children tested the houses they have made and tested whether they could withstand the wind and whether they had made a waterproof roof! The children chose great materials, and the houses were very effective!

In PSHE all children continued to explore how we have changed over time. Some children brought in pictures of when they were babies and we played ‘guess the baby’ It was really tricky to guess as the children have changed so much!  

We have also been competing in the Bridge School Games this week and completed lots of different sports activities! Come on Looe!! 

Today was Sports afternoon and it was amazing! The children did so well and had so much fun, as did the adults. I think the children and adults will sleep well tonight!

Its been a wonderful week of learning!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Suzanne Cooper

Shorts and Shades Day

Thank you for supporting the BFA's Shorts and Shades Day today. The children looked very summery and chilled and lots of lovely items have been donated for the hamper raffles which will be drawn during the summer fair next week. Speaking of which, don't forget to return your raffle tickets to be in with a chance of winning. Also, any donations to the cake stall will be gratefully received. Please send to Mrs Cabello on Tuesday morning..


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Suzanne Cooper



Polperro Primary Academy   21/6/24

Posted 21/06/2024
by Julie Peat

This week at nursery, we have been answering our enquiry question "Does everyone go on holiday?"
The children have been talking about their own experiences of going away on holiday, how they got to where they were going and what they did once they were there.
They have been busy creating paper plate beach balls and painting ice cream cones in the creative area.

In maths, we have been finding different objects to represent numbers up to 5, practicing our counting skills and writing numbers.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of "Sally and the Limpet" and "The train ride".
In phonics. we have been exploring words that start with the same sound, creating different voices and exploring mouth movements in the mirrors.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah


St Cleer Primary Academy   Around the World in 80 Minutes with Glee Club

Posted 21/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Thank you so much to Glee club for taking up on a musical trip that included under water escapades, graceful dancing and British sign language. Thank you for entertaining us and showing that wonderful connection you have found with each other through the arts. We were impressed and entertained in equal measure.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Fun in the sun

Posted 21/06/2024
by Rebecca Whitty

Fun in the sun. 

We have had a fun filled week this week here in Pre school.  We had a BIG change to our morning routine where parents/ carers stayed outside and the children had a go at putting their stuff away independently. Well, everyone did it and everyone was happy! Everyone remembered to pop book bags and drink bottles into the cubby, then  go and sit down and write their names. We  were so impressed with them and they were proud of themselves. 
' Miss Whitty, we are big kids now we can do it',  ' I feel good, I can do it I big kid now!'  We will be doing this from now on. 

The children requested a bubble station and they made their own wands. 

Friday was wear yellow day for CFS to celebrate a brave child in our school. We also had our fun run, we all managed to do at least three laps of our field, we then enjoyed an ice pole after. Thankyou to the PTA for these. 

This week in phonics we have been learning the sounds 'l' and 'h' the children are doing really well with these and some have even started to sound  and blend CVC words. h a t = hat, h o p = hop,   l e g = leg they hold up three fingers and use their pinch fingers when saying each sound. Well done everyone. 

Scissor skills are a big focus for us all at the moment, the children have been enjoying practicing these skills. 

Next week we will be looking at the sounds 'j' and 'r'. 

We have been lucky to have our wonderful student Ellie in with us three times this week. Thank you Ellie for everything you do to support the children. Ellie is with us until the end of the year. We are very lucky! 

Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!   Have a lovely weekend and we shall see you all next week. :)

Miss Whitty, Miss Ronald and Ellie. 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Quad Kids

Posted 21/06/2024
by David Hannah

On Wednesday, children represented our school at Looe Community Academy's Quad Kids Event. Competing in standing long jump, javelin throw, and an 800m run. A great time was had by all. A big thank you to Looe Community Academy for hosting the event.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Bridge Games 2024

Posted 21/06/2024
by David Hannah

This week, the whole school took part in The Bridge Schools Games. Events included standing long jump, speed bounce, shot put, French Boules and a French themed football event.
Our year 6s had the responsibility of teaching each group how to complete the different events. The children all showed great sportsmanship cheering and encouraging each other - now to await the results!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 21.06.24

Posted 21/06/2024
by Helen King

A wonderful week...

This week in Lantic class we have been finishing and writing our own poems - we even practised our handwriting by writing them out on special paper!  We also enjoyed our drumming lesson - we also do lots of singing during drums. In maths we have been learning some more about lines of symmetry - we have been using mirror lines to draw matching halves.  During Science we learnt and wrote about the lifecycle of a sunflower, we thought it was sad when it wilts, but what a blessing it is to have all those seeds after!


Lanlivery Primary Academy   Summer Term

Posted 21/06/2024
by Lauren Howell

Sports day

The children had a fantastic time at sports day. They showed fantastic determination and sportsmanship. Polkerris were victorious. Thank you to all the parents and family that came to support and the refreshments from the PTA. Luckily the rain stayed away!

This week, we have also been taking part in the Bridge School Games. Everyday we have competed in a different challenge and have been sending off our schools as part of a competition with the other schools in the trust. We will find out next week how we got on!


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Sorrel Beckett

Summer 2 - Week 2 & 3 - We can't stop and won't stop! 


During Week 2, the children planned and completed their ‘Tale of Three Brothers’ poems, they used their toolkits to ensure they had included all of the appropriate success criteria. We had a particular focus on the ability rhyme, using ‘rhymezone’ to help them find words that would fit their poems best. We also took the time to edit, improve and re-draft the poems before writing them up in best. The children wrote them on parchment paper, which then went in their Star Writer books.

During Week 3, keeping in theme, the children moved onto their next learning journey, focusing on the British author J.K Rowling. The children were going to write their own narrative pieces based on the text ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. To begin the journey, the children used their VIPERS skills to unpick chapters 1 & 2, they looked at the characters within the story and discussed what life was life was like for Harry. Using this knowledge, they planned their own chapter that could follow own. They were all given the same themes, in that it had to include Harry going to work with Uncle Vernon, Uncle Vernon being unkind and as a result something magical took place. The skill within this was to use speech to convey character and advance action.

Finally, to end the week, the children unpicked the four main features of figurative language. They used this to unpick the events that took place at Privet Drive from an outsider’s perspective.


In Week 2, we completed our negative numbers learning journey. For their final lesson the children looked at finding the difference. They learnt that when working with negative numbers you can add them in order to find the difference. To end the learning journey the children completed their end of unit assessments. We recorded the scores on our class tracker, discussed misconceptions and all children set themselves next steps.

The children then began a new learning journey of converting units. We reminded them of the things to look out for example confusing ‘Kilo’ and ‘Centi’ using the factor of 100 instead of 1,000. In the first few lessons, the children were introduced to kilograms and kilometres, litres and millilitres. We focused on the declarative knowledge e.g. how many grams in a kilogram. The children decorated their Morning Work with this information which they could refer to throughout the learning.

In Week 3, we looked at metric units, imperial units and the ended the week on units of time. Some children expressed in particular that time was tricky, any support with this at home would really help build their confidence!


Wider Curriculum

Across both weeks, it has been all about Science! During Week 2, the children completed an experiment where they explored materials that were soluble in water. The wrote out the materials they would be experimenting with and wrote a prediction using their prior knowledge. For the experiment the children then placed different solutes into the solvent water and times how long it took to dissolve.

In the following lesson, they then looked at changing the variables for example temperature. They had to state whether this would affect the rate in which the solute dissolves. “I predict that the sugar will dissolve quicker in hot water, I think this because when you put sugar in tea it almost dissolves instantly depending on the amount of sugar you put in” – Harry 5B.

In Week 3, the children then explored how mixtures can be separated by filtering, sieving, evaporating and magnets. They first learnt about each of the methods and what they are usually used for. They then made predictions and carried out the experiment e.g. Paper clips in sand, they decided to use magnets as they knew paper clips were magnetic and could be lifted out easily.

In the following lesson, the children had to then recognise and describe reversible and irreversible changes, they were presented with four problems and they had to discuss how they could reverse the change for example chocolates that melted in the sun, they suggested placing it into a mold and putting it into cold temperatures to return it to its natural state.

Important Dates:

·      WC: 8th July 2024 – Art week

·      Wednesday 10th July 2024 – Our girls can

·      Thursday 11th July 2024 – Reports will be given


    Have a wonderful weekend,

   Best wishes,

   The Year 5 Team


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Year 3 Sports Day

Posted 20/06/2024
by Lindsey Smerdon

Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday 19th June Year 3 had their Olympic Themed Sports Day.

The day started with the sprint races followed by the egg and spoon, sack race, relay and the infamous parents race!

Year 3 then took part in a carousel of activities including bowls, shotput and Football a la Francaise.

All the children tried their best, cheered each other on and had a fantastic time!

A huge well done to the Choughs who were the overall Year 3 winners!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   The Great Outdoors!

Posted 20/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Summer Sun

What lovely weather we've been enjoying this week! Tregantle Class have welcomed some new friends from different nurseries this week for their transition sessions to school. We spent lots of time in the garden using things from nature to make some crowns. The children used flowers, leaves and small sticks to create some fantastic patterns. We then made a new role play area in the garden - a pirate ship! The children all had lots of fun dressing up and finding treasure. Some children made treasure maps to help find the treasure and there was even a plank to walk along on the pirate ship! 
Tregantle Class have been getting active when practicing their races for sports day. We are getting very excited to take part in lots of races in a few weeks time! 


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We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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