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Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 28.06.24

Posted 28/06/2024
by Helen King

The Sun has Been Shining...

What a lovely week of sun-shine we've had this week!  Gardening Club have had a great week planting vegetables in our little plot - we are still trying to get rid of weeds! We now need to make sure we water them in the sun! 

In Lantic Class this week, we have been learning a new story during our English lessons - Mr. Gumpy's Outing.  We will be using this to inspire our own stories in the next two weeks.

In Math's we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and have been investigating them.

In our wider curriculum lessons, we have been classifying seeds, using directional language to move around maps, writing prayers for forgiveness - and discussing the importance of forgiveness and continuing to build our tractors!  


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 28.06.24

Posted 27/06/2024
by David Parry

The children's ability in using different art techniques is amazing. They've practised Batik designs using various patterns, a variety of imaginative colours and wax resist. They applied the wax by using a tjanting tool (see pictures).To complete this term's unit of art study, they have produced an original Batik design based on the Maya cultural traditions. A  lot of thought and imagination has gone into each piece. Thank you, Talland Class.

The children have researched and practised several grammar related activities throughout the week. One of the advanced challenges was to use passive voice. Passive voice requires the writer to reorder an active sentence, for example:

James kicked the ball. (Active sentence.)

The ball was kicked by James. (Passive sentence.)

Using this strategy is a challenge, however, enhances the children's written work. A huge effort put in to this by all of the children.

There's been a lot of fun, together with serious learning, using protractors to measure and draw angles. This can be a complicated activity unless a child is focused and recognises the techniques used to be successful. They are now confident in finding acute and obtuse angles and many relate to the idea that there are 360 degrees around a point. Well done, Talland Class.

best wishes, Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands) 

This week's jokes:

What did the triangle say to the circle?
- You're pointless!

What is a swimmer's favourite part of maths? - Dive - vision!


Wadebridge Primary Academy  

Posted 27/06/2024
by Donna Clayson

Summer 2 - Week 3 and 4 - Being a good sport

We have had an extremely sporty few weeks here in Reception, and the children have really done us proud. We had spent some time practising the sports day events, and the children's 'have a go' attitude on the day and impeccable behaviour throughout really did shine out. We are so proud of them, as we are sure you are too. 

This week, a small group of children attended a multi-skills event up at Wadebridge Leisure Centre where they took part in lots of events. They absolutely loved it  and were full of excitement on their return. The children have been wearing their medals as much as they can this week. 

As well as all the sport, learning has continued in the class with the children embedding their phonics learning, and progressing on to real and nonsense words, as well as impressing us with some fantastic writing when they come into school in the mornings. To make our reading time even more fun, we had Year 6 visitors on Wednesday afternoon. It was so lovely to see them sharing, talking and reading together so beautifully. 

In maths, we have been finding half of amounts up 10, and this week looking at sharing equally into groups. 

Our wider curriculum learning has continued on a sea theme, but focusing on the RNLI  and beach safety. We have talked about the lifeguards, the coastguard and the type of equipment that they use. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at how to keep our beaches clean, so if you have any pictures of your children taking part in a beach clean, please upload them to Tapestry for us to share. 

Reminders - Please can any toys from home not be brought into school. They can get lost and broken, so please have a check of their school bags to ensure nothing is being sneaked in! 

Requests - We would love any boxes, yogurt pots etc for our junk modelling area. Please nothing that has contained nuts or eggs though due to allergies. Thank you. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team 


Blisland Primary Academy   Summer 2

Posted 27/06/2024
by Andrew Smith

Summer term 2

Well the fine weather is finally here! What a packed Summer Term we have.


Nessa class have recently returned from a hugely successful trip to Barton Hall. The residential was packed with activities: high ropes, climbing, archery, rifle shooting, aeroball and raft building to name a few. We were blessed with perfect weather and the children had a trip to remember!

Awful Auntie

On Friday we are off to the theater to see Awful Auntie - what an end to the week. 


Kensa class visited Plymouth Aquarium last week. They came back full of facts and ideas about the underwater world.


Next week we are visiting Summerset Cricket Ground to watch a county game.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Agents of Change - Tree Planting

Posted 27/06/2024
by David Hannah

Earlier this year, we focused on the question 'How can we make the world a better place?' Class 2 were fascinated by the role and the importance of trees and decided they would like to be courageous advocates and plant some of their own. We had 10 trees, kindly donated to us, and were able to plant them on the rec ground for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to watching them grow and flourish over the years. 
A big thank you to Mrs Massey-McCarthy, Mrs Russell-Hsieh and Duloe Recreation Ground for their support.


Polperro Primary Academy   5/7/24

Posted 26/06/2024
by Julie Peat

This week at nursery we have been exploring under the sea and answering our enquiry qurstion "Who lives under the sea?"
The cildren have enjoyed exploring the beach/under water tuft tray and have named and added different sea creatures to this. They have discussed going on holiday and we made passports for this.
At story time we have enjoyed exploring the story of "Rainbow fish" and turned our book area into an underwater area with the rainbow fish that the children helped to decorate. We have also been enjoying "Commotion in the ocean".

In phonics we have been exploring pirates and mermaids and have been matching objects with the same initial sounds. The children have been exploring the different sounds that their bodies make and have been exploring the sounds instruments make and comparing the noises that each makes.

In maths we have been finding objects up to 5, counting to 5 and beyond and practicing our mark making to represent these numbers.

We will continue exploring under the sea next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 26/06/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

What a busy couple of days we are having!

Residential and trip to Plymouth University

I hope that, by now, you have heard all-of-the stories from the Year 4 residential. It is safe to say that fun was had by all. And, for those who went to Plymouth University, they report to us that they had ‘amazing fun’ with Mrs Marshall in Plymouth. Well done to all of the Year 4s who were a credit to us. Thank you to you all for all of the positive comments you wrote on our Facebook page.  If you have not already gone across to see the updates from the residential, please feel free to see what your children were up to!


Sports Day 2024

Sports Day was a triumph again this year.  The children moved around the chain of activities enthusiastically and showed both a healthy team spirit coupled with the drive to ‘win’ personal races. Well done to the ‘Green Team’ for their deserved win. And well done to everyone for giving it their very best.


Transition Day

Next Tuesday is our transition day.  Children will come into school as usual on Tuesday and will be escorted to their new classrooms.  They will return to their usual classroom at the end of the day for a normal pick up.


Quick Note

As it is hot, please do send your child into school with a sun hat and or sun cream if you feel they need these things.



Please be advised that PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Children MUST come into school in their kits with a water bottle.  All children must be wearing trainers. Shoes really are not suitable for the athletics that we are completing on both of the days.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Miss Pittas and the Year 4 team


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Commencing 14th June 2024

Posted 26/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have been enjoying their Maya based topic by completing a range of activities. We’ve been finding out about the various religious practises of this ancient civilisation and how they believe in 9 levels of the under world and 13 layers of heaven.

In DT, we’ve been busy creating beautiful Maya masks using the technique of batik. This involves drawing with hot, melted wax before painting in the unwaxed fabric with ink. The results are stunning, and we are so pleased with how they turned out. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week Commencing 14th June 2024

Posted 26/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have been enjoying their Maya based topic by completing a range of activities. We’ve been finding out about the various religious practises of this ancient civilisation and how they believe in 9 levels of the under world and 13 layers of heaven.

In DT, we’ve been busy creating beautiful Maya masks using the technique of batik. This involves drawing with hot, melted wax before painting in the unwaxed fabric with ink. The results are stunning, and we are so pleased with how they turned out. 


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Train to Looe RNLI and Looe beach

Posted 25/06/2024
by Laura Cole

Class 1 enjoyed a lovely train ride to Looe as part of their learning about Grace Darling.
The children had a tour of Looe RNLI where they got to see the equipment and vehicles that the crew use.

We then visited Looe beach where the children got to carry out some geography field work, sketching and sand scultptures, a game of boccia and most importantly toast some marshmallows!

A huge thank you to Mrs Currah for organising such a wonderful day and all the staff who helped it to be such a success. 


Pelynt Primary Academy   Summer 2, week 3

Posted 25/06/2024
by Zoe Thompson

Sports Day 

Thank you to all the children and families for a great sports day and family picnic, here are some photos of the day.


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 24/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 21/6/24

Another busy week!

  • A rainforest paint-along with the Born Free foundation, painting capybaras in the rainforest. It was tricky to keep up but fun to do!
  • We enjoyed a reading assembly with a book called The Day War Came - a great window to those who have escaped war and a mirror for some children we know from such countries. 
  • We took part in the Bridge Games, with an Olympic theme! We enjoyed playing the games and achieved some great scores!
  • We watched a great documentary by Sir David Attenborough to support our learning on rainforests, specifically the issue of deforestation. We learned to 'Use less space'!


St Cleer Primary Academy   Wear Yellow in support of Cystic Fibrosis Trust and PTA fun run 2024

Posted 24/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

Well done all of the children and adults who took part in our Wear Yellow to school/PTA fun run on Friday. All donations will be split between the PTA and the CFT #wearyellow campaign. Every tacked the laps in their own way; from a chatty stroll to a speedy sprint - you all did yourselves proud. Thank you to the PTA for providing a refreshments stall and a treat for all of the children. We really appreciate all of the staff, family and friends who also ran along with the children and cheered them around the track. 


St Cleer Primary Academy   Sky Arts' Week June '24

Posted 23/06/2024
by Kimberley Appleby

Year 3/4A have enjoyed: Doodling, 2D mark making and sculpture during Sky Arts' Week last week. We created dioramas linked to our topic on 'Investigating Coasts'. Take a look at our masterpieces! 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   All Things Nature!

Posted 23/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

All Things Nature!

The children enjoyed plating a sunflower seed this week to watch grow over the next couple of months. We sent it home straight away so that they can look after and water then as needed-we would love to see some progress photos as they grown so please do email with updates!

At the end of last week, we went to Saltash Library where we listened to a gentleman from the 'Cornwall Butterfly Conservation' who talked about the different wildlife in Cornwall and how to bring nature to spaces to attract butterflies and other creatures. This session really inspired the children and adults alike and we talked about how we could encourage people to bring nature to their spaces and created posters to share.

Many of the children have also continued to work on our own patio space to create, not only a pleasing place to enjoy for us, but also a habitat for our local nature to enjoy...although the squirrels are enjoying some of the plants and seeds a bit too much at times!

Thank you for the amazing homework that has come in so far! So varied and creative! The children have loved sharing them. They are due in tomorrow! I have included some of them in photos below. We will be creating a wonderful display with them all!


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending 21st June 2024

Posted 23/06/2024
by Rebecca Gravener

Hobby Horses getting ready for their race.

What a wonderful ending to the week....sports day. We had lots of fun in the run up to Friday practising all of our races on the field. Thank you to all of you for coming to our sports day on Friday, all the children ran really well and we enjoyed watching them take part. We thoroughly enjoyed having our families as an audience and we enjoyed our first sports day! 

We have been enjoying another week of being pirates in our pirate ship and using our treasure maps to find the treasure.
Our book this week was Ten Little pirates -

Ten Little Pirates | By Simon Rickerty,Mike Brownlow

The Ten Little Pirates are sailing out to sea, but what will the Ten Little Pirates do when they meet a singing mermaid? And a whooshing hurricane? And a HUNGRY shark? A traditional counting rhyme, part fun-filled story.  Count from ten to one and back again, as the Little Pirates disappear then reappear. Spot and count the details on each page. And join in with all the great sound words!

We have also been learning some more "Pirate Songs", and been walking the plank in shark infested waters!!!

We are continuing our summer topic next week looking at the seaside and will be making pictures with shells.

As the weather is getting a little bit better, please may we ask that sun hats and sun cream are brought into Pre-School for each session, we do spend a lot of time in our super outdoor area and venture out onto the school field as much as we can.

The end of term is getting closer with only 4 weeks to go, these next few weeks will fly by and there is always so much still to fit in!

Dates for your diary:

Monday 1st July -  1.30pm - 3pm New Reception children induction afternoon.
** Please could you let us know if your child will be attending if it is not their normal Pre-School day, and drop them off at Pre-School in time for us to all go over to school together.

Thursday 11th July - 1.30pm - 3pm New Reception children induction afternoon.
** Please could you let us know if your child will be attending if it is not their normal Pre-School day, and drop them off at Pre-School in time for us to all go over to school together.

Tuesday 23rd July - Pre-School Graduation and Picnic.
** Invitations will be sent out next week.

Tuesday 23rd July - Last day of the Summer Term.
** School finishes at 1pm.

We are also putting together the last few details for our September hours, letters will be coming home to you soon.

If you have any questions, please pop in to see us or email us at 

With Best Wishes,
Mrs G, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Rowe and Miss Carr.


Polruan Primary Academy   Week Ending 21/6/24

Posted 22/06/2024
by Amy Fernie

Friday 21st July 2024

Good Afternoon,

We hope this message finds you well!
We are thrilled to share some highlights from this week at school. Sports Day Success! First and foremost, a huge congratulations to all the children who competed so well in Sports Day. We were blessed with wonderful weather, and the hard work from the children truly paid off. Thank you to all the parents who came to support and made it a part of such a wonderful day.

English Adventures In English, our Year 1 and 2 students have been working diligently on sentence stacking as part of our recount of last week's trip to the woods. It's been fantastic to see their progress and enthusiasm.

Reception's Drawing Club Our Reception class has continued with Drawing Club, focusing on the delightful book "Penguin." The creativity and imagination on display have been truly inspiring.

Maths Milestones In Maths, our Year 2 students have completed their work on Fractions. We will continue to recap this topic over the next few weeks to ensure a solid understanding. Meanwhile, Year 1 students have finished their work on Place Value up to 100, and our EYFS children have been exploring number patterns.

Artistic Endeavors In Art, we have been busy with drawing, painting, and mark-making in preparation for creating our own fish full of patterns this week. The children are excited to showcase their artistic talents!

Upcoming Trip to Fowey Aquarium
Just a reminder, on Tuesday, we will be heading across the river to Fowey Aquarium. The children will have the opportunity to explore and touch some of the fascinating sea creatures that inhabit our oceans. It's sure to be an educational and fun-filled day!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to another exciting week ahead.
Best regards,
Mrs Fernie, Mrs Andrew, Miss Taylor, Miss Talbot


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 2, Week 3

Posted 22/06/2024
by Chris Wathern

Sports Week
What a week of sport! Around all the other learning taking place this week, we were all treated to watching children from Nursery to Year 6 take part in their Sports Days. I think a message passed on from one of our parents sums it up nicely:

“Thank you SO much for such an amazing first sports day! I can’t wait to see our child later to hear his version of events. We could tell how much fun he was having! I can’t believe how well behaved and organised they all were – what a gorgeous bunch of souls. Massive well done to all of the organisers.”

Congratulations to our overall winners, Cormorants, stacking up an impressive 1050 points.
2nd Swans - 1000 points
3rd Choughs - 850 points
4th Puffins - 700 points

Well done to all the children!

Year 6 Residential & Enrichment Days
We were expecting to see some tired Y6 children towards the end of the week. Despite being on residential or having a fantastic time taking part in enrichment activities, our Year 6 children certainly ended the week on a high during Friday’s Sports Day. Their Bristol adventure included a trip to a zoo, tree top climbing, bowling and an historical experience finding out about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. For the Year 6 children who remained in Cornwall, they also had fun-filled days making some beautiful bird art, a day with DT sports including zorbing and to finish the experience, a trip to Pentire beach. A huge thank you to the team of staff involved in organising a wonderful couple of days. Many lasting memories made for sure.

We have now finalised staffing for September. Next week, we will be sharing the staffing overview for September and further details about transition. We will be letting you know your child's class/teacher for September in their report coming home on Thursday 12th July.

Important dates coming up:
Wednesday 26th June 09:30 & 17:30 Welcome Meeting for New Reception Parents (Hall)

Friday 28th June KS1 History Day – Time Travelling Visitor

Monday 1st – Friday 5th July Year 6 Transition Week

Monday 1st – Wednesday 3rd July Year 4 Residential to Porthpean

Monday 1st July The Place – Playground Theatre Tour performance to school

Tuesday 2nd July 15:15-16:15 KS1 Open Invitation Cross Country (Wadebridge School)

Wednesday 3rd July 09:30-10:30 Drop in & play session for children new to WPA joining Reception in September

Wednesday 3rd June 13:00-14:00 Drop in & play session for children currently at WPA Nursery joining Reception in September

Thursday 4th July 09:30-12:30 Taster morning & lunch for all new Reception children starting in September

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,
Chris Wathern


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 21st June 2024

Posted 22/06/2024
by Alice Wilkie

Festival Fun and Olympic's Day!

It has been a fun-packed week in Landaviddy!

On Tuesday, we performed at the Polperro Festival School's Day. We had so much fun and enjoyed sharing with you the songs we had been rehearsing. Everyone had been working so hard and we were so proud of the part everyone played. It was a true whole class effort. Well done Landaviddy! 

The fun continued on Thursday, when we celebrated an Olympic's day by participating in a variety of different sports. Everyone tried their hand at fencing, javelin throwing, standing long jump and archery. In the afternoon, we split into coloured teams and enjoyed competing for the podium. Overall, it was a fantastic day and everyone demonstrated super sportsmanship and enthusiasm! Well done! 

In Maths this week, we have been learning about Statistics; how we can present and interpret date in different ways. Year 2 have been looking closely at tally charts, block diagrams and pictograms. Year 3 have been interpreting information from tables and presenting data by drawing bar charts.

English this week has focussed on rehearsing our story map for 'The Cobbler and the Dragon'. Can you remember any of the actions and the story? We will continue to practise this next week and begin designing our own characters for a legend set in Polperro!

Congratulations to Lowen for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week and a big well done to Reuben for his 44 and Emma for her 77 club badge! 

Sports Day - On Tuesday, it's sports day. Please can you make sure you have sun cream, a sun hat and a water bottle, as currently the weather forecast is predicting a hot day! 

We hope you have a super weekend!

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow 21st June 2024.

Posted 22/06/2024
by Karen Taylor

We have so much fun in Penhallow and this week was no exception! 

We loved being a part of the School's Festival Day and loved performing our Jellyfish Song to the crowds of Polperro! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! I was so proud of all of the children, particularly the children that chose to speak into the microphone with one of our Commotion in the Ocean facts!

We have enjoyed a very active week this week, taking part in the Olympic themed Bridge Games! The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in lots of different sporting activities! We have also been practising for Sports Day next week which we are very excited about!

In maths, we are continuing our learning of numbers up to 100 and reception are now consolidating all of their learning from a very busy Reception year!

In English, we are continuing our work on the book, What's the Commotion in the Ocean?

We look forward to seeing you at Sports Day on Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school everyday. Sports Day starts at 10am. Please also ensure your child has a hat, drink and sun cream as it is looking like summer may finally be here!

Well done to our People of the Week this week! Mrs Hillman picked all of the children for their amazing efforts at the Festival this year. My 'Person' was Lowen for showing great examples of our school values, particularly enthusiasm! Ada and Felix were also picked for being enthusiastic in their learning! Well done!

Well done also to Lowen and Brody for achieving their next badges in 99 club this week! 

Remember to keep up with your daily reading, some children are 'flying' up through the reading bands with their extra practice, well done. There are extra opportunities for this and some interactive learning games on TwinklGO! I have sent an email this week with the updated codes (final ones for this year as these will last into the holidays).

Enjoy a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss Cullingford and Miss Hodge.


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We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Spaces available in all year groups for September 2024.

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