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Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Children's Literature Festival

Posted 01/07/2024
by David Hannah

St Austell Festival of Children's Literature
On Friday, children from Class 2 and Class 3 travelled to St Austell for the Children’s Literature Festival. In the morning, they enjoyed a talk from Hannah Gold – a favourite of many of our children. After which they were able to have their books signed. In the afternoon they met several illustrators who inspired the children with imaginative quick fire drawing skills.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Cricket Competition

Posted 01/07/2024
by David Hannah

Two teams from Class 3 competed in the East Cornwall Countdown Cricket Festival at Duloe Cricket Club. Competing against teams from Looe, Stoke Climsland, Calstock and St Breock.

Both teams played exceptionally well and showed great sportsmanship!


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 28th June

Posted 30/06/2024
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Outdoor learning day coming soon

Hello Everyone,

It will be our outdoor learning day on Monday 1st July. The theme will be British Birds.
We have some lovely learning opportunities planned. Please can children wear weather appropriate outdoor learning clothes on Monday. If the weather is warm, then a hat and sun cream will be needed. We may get a little painty and messy.

Thank you.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 28th June 2024

Posted 30/06/2024
by Joanna Rickard



This week our story of Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson has led the children to discover the many wonderous sea life that have shells as their homes, and what they do when they outgrow their home. The book has also been a great story to talk about friendship and sharing.  

We have watched clips of real-life sea creatures that live on the seabed or against the rocks who use their shells for protection and to help them move around. We are lucky to have a lovely collection of seashells in Pre-School and the children have enjoyed discussing their shape, size, colour and even what sea creature may have once lived inside! 

Taking inspiration from the vibrant illustrations in the book we have recreated our own sparkly hermit crabs, sequined scallop shells and also some salt dough handprints decorated with shells. A lovely variety of artwork the children have all enjoyed.  

This week the children have also discovered environmental sounds we may hear at the seaside, using their listening skills to correctly match the sounds with their corresponding image.  

We have also used shells in our number work to recognise numbers and then count the correct number of shells.  

Plenty of sunshine has allowed outside play and discovery to be enjoyed, with more planting, car washing, mud kitchen baking and watering of all our wonderful plants. 

Next week we will enjoy the story of ‘What the ladybird heard at the seaside?’  

Lastly, a polite reminder to please send your child in with suncream, a hat, and a refillable water bottle when the weather is warm. 


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

The Pre-School Team.  


Delaware Primary Academy   June in the ARC

Posted 30/06/2024
by Johanna Thomas

June in the ARC

This month many of our learning experiences have been outside. 

We had our Summer picnic down at Cotehele Quay. The boys enjoyed paddling and making huge splashes in the stream. We enjoyed an ice cream up at the cafe afterwards. Luckily the weather was kind to us and we had a beautiful day for it. 

It has also been Sport's Day this month. All of our children have taken part in some way. David and Joe are our Y6s and they were able to be part of the Gun Run teams. They both worked brilliantly in their red and blue teams to take the gun to pieces, run to the other end of the field, rebuild and bring back. Both teams one a race each! They also participated in the races on Friday when parents were able to watch proudly and enjoy a picnic with their children. 

In cooking we have been using seasonal produce to cook with: strawberry smoothies, tomato salsa and pesto pasta. We always enjoy cooking but only some of us enjoy the eating!



St Cleer Primary Academy   Year 6 get a rush of adrenalin at Adrenalin Quarry!

Posted 30/06/2024
by Michele Spencer

On Friday, the adults who went to Adrenalin Quarry with the Year 6s really had to dig deep and prove that learning can sometimes mean facing your fears and going for it anyway! The year 6s enjoyed a thrilling ride on the zip wire, a splash or two in the quarry and some speedy laps of the go-kart track. All were exhausted but elated - it was a magical day together (I did manage to open my eyes half way down and let go!).


Polperro Primary Academy   Friday 28th June 2024

Posted 29/06/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Landaviddy have been very enthusiastic this week! We got into the swimming pool on Monday, which was fantastic! On Tuesday, we celebrated Sport's Day with the whole school. Everyone showed brilliant sportsmanship and determination in each of their races. Well done everyone for an excellent morning!

In Science this week, we planned an investigation to find out whether people with longer legs jump further. What do you think? As Geographers this week, we used a map to follow a route around the boundaries of the school. We had a fabulous time marking where we were going and using our maps to spot the features around us. We then sketched our own maps of the school and used a key of symbols. We also started a new unit in Art, where we will be looking at Printing. We began by using crayons to rub against different textures we could find outside. Next week, we will use these to create some repeated patterns. 

In Maths, we have been finishing off our work on Statistics. Year 2 had a go at applying their knowledge of block diagrams and pictograms, by drawing their own from data they collected on their classmates favourite fruits. Year 3 have been looking at the ways we can interpret data and explored two-way tables. 

In English, we have been busy designing our own mythical creatures, ready for a Polperro Legend, which we will be writing next week! We also created story maps by adapting 'The Cobbler and the Dragon' with our own ideas. 

Congratulations to Reuben and Jamie for being chosen as Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Zac for achieving his 88 club this week! 

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Wilkie, Mrs Phillips and Miss Bowden


Polperro Primary Academy  

Posted 29/06/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel have had a lovely week this week, kickstarted by our Sports Day. We all demonstrated our school values, taking part not just for personal gain but for our House Teams. Well done to Willow who were our overall winners but each and everybody helped to gain points for their team!

Our crime-based narratives are in full swing and we are currently at the 'investigation' stage, where the detectives or sleuths (depending on which era the narrative is set in) are gathering their evidence! We hope to complete them on Monday. 


We have been learning about Area and Perimeter this week whilst some Y6s have been learning about Finance in the 'adult world'. A really important area and although they are finding it challenging, are thoroughly enjoying it!

We have been experimenting with thermal insulation, this week, testing out various materials which couldact as a sleeve for keeping a cup of coffee hot. Silver foil-backed bubble wrap seemed to do the trick!

Chaipel have been exploring Olympic pictograms throughout the years and have selected a sporting event, drawn its progression and then designed their own. They are currently creating a prototype out of pipe cleaners and tin foil, which they will then move onto creating a 3D sculpture out of clay. 

On Friday, the whole school were treated to a visit by the incredible SquashBox. He really entertained us and we all had an amazing time!

Residential for Y6s next week so if there are any last minute questions, then either find me on the gate at 3:15 or give the secretary a ring.

Homework Grid and Knowledge Web
I have attached the homework grid for this half term, linking to the them of Crime and Punishment as well as the Knowledge Web. Enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle and Mrs Clary


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 28/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 28.6.24

This week we were visited by the Butterfly Conservation Trust, specifically Victoria. She taught us how to carryout a Bug study on the school grounds. We used umbrellas, sticks, nets and our hands to find the creatures! We found LOADS! Hopefully you can talk about what we found at home!


St Cleer Primary Academy   Summer 2 Week 4

Posted 28/06/2024
by Jacob Lewis


Polperro Primary Academy   Penhallow 28.6.2024

Posted 28/06/2024
by Karen Taylor

We have enjoyed a wonderful time in Penhallow this week with so many fun things to talk about!

We had a FANTASTIC sports day on Tuesday and really hope you enjoyed it too! All of the children ran their races with enthusiasm and it was brilliant to see them all having so much fun, especially in our fun obstacle race. I think there may be lots of space hopper fun for many years to come!

On Tuesday afternoon we were tired after sports day but still managed an amazing art lesson. We learned all about weaving and we weaved our own under the water scene using paper, learning the new terms; warp and weft. The children wowed us with their amazing pieces!

In English, we are now writing up our final commotion in the ocean poems and the children have done a fantastic job thinking of rhyming pairs to add to their poem.

In maths, the Year 1s are doing brilliantly exploring numbers  and place value to 100. Reception are enjoying consolidating practical maths and this week we have been exploring mapping.

We enjoyed a great swimming lesson on Wednesday where we learned how to submerge our faces in the water confidently.

We were very lucky to have a visit from the Squash Box theatre company today who put on a brilliant show to entertain the school. This finished off our fun-filled week brilliantly and we can't wait to start another on Monday when we will venture out for the day to Talland Beach. Please remember that the children will need to come to school in appropriate clothing for the beach and wear sensible shoes for the walk down and up.
The children will also need cash if they would like an ice cream. (£1/£1.50with a flake). Please also remember to pack a drink, packed lunch (unless previously ordered) and sun cream. We really hope it will be a superb day of outdoor learning for the children and we can't wait!

Well done to the children that achieved a badge in 99 club this week:
11 Club: Max and Felix,
22 Club: Tommy and Ida,
33 Club: Sonny.

People of the Week in Penhallow this week were Hugh and Sonny. Well done for showing great examples of our School Values.

Enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Miss C and Mrs Hodge.


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 28.6.24

Posted 28/06/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley


This week has flown by in  hurry. 

We've had a wonderful afternoon as the children were lucky enough to get a performance from Squash Box where we learnt all about the sea. The children loved it. It was fun, informative and LOUD!

Year 4 have been learning all about different shapes and their properties. Why not quiz them on their knowledge of shapes...
Year 5 have been converting measurements - I think it's time for them to get outside and measure some different areas of the school.

We have been immersing ourselves with science fiction writing. The children have been using lots of different writing techniques to create a scene with lots of description.

We have begun to look at the earth, the sun and the moon. We found out why the earth is spherical. Well done Aristotle - what a clever scientist and philosopher he was. Why not ask your child the three significant facts he discovered to help prove his theory...

We are looking a printing this term. We began by creating a mood board on PowerPoint to brainstorm influential artists that can inspire us to create something amazing!

Well done to Nuala for passing her 88 club this week, and great work to Leo and Hamish for being spotted as our enthusiastic children of the week!

That's all from Talland. We hope you have a brilliant weekend.!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.  


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 28/06/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 4 

We certainly started this week with a wow moment of learning!

Our Looe beach trip and visit to the RNLI was absolutely amazing and the children were such a wonderful example of how wonderful Looe Primary Academy is! Members of the public approached staff to say how wonderful the children were!

The children were fantastic walking down to the beach from school. When we got there the children explored the area, played parachute games, football and built sandcastles. Al the children had the chance to visit the RNLI station and the wonderful Carol and Ian took us on a tour and told us so many wonderful facts about the crews uniform and the equipment they use. What a wonderful way to immerse ourselves in our learning!

The year 1 children have had assessment week this week and have been showing the adults how amazing they are and what knowledge they have in maths and reading.

The foundation and year 1 children have been making sea creatures from plasticine, counting sea creatures in rock pools, using their cutting skills to make rock pool pictures, writing sentences and so much more!

The children are becoming brilliant at tennis with coach Ryan in PE and it was lovely to see their progress in yesterdays PE lesson.

Another wonderful week of learning! Three weeks left!

Next week is our whole school transition day on the 2nd where the children will spend the day in their next class with their new teachers! So exciting!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Wadebridge Primary Academy   Week 4 - Time Travelling Adventure

Posted 28/06/2024
by Kate Clarke

Week 4 - Time Travelling Adventure

Year One were very lucky today to have a special visitor - Mrs Hughes travelled all the way from Victorian times to talk to the children about what it was like for Victorians at the seaside. 

She started by asking what the children already knew and they wow-ed here with their knowledge of what the seaside was like in the past - from bathing carriages to long walks on the promenade for good, healthy fresh air! 

Mrs Hughes talked some more about the seaside and explained that she would go swimming fully clothed. She invited all the children to come and feel the dress she was wearing and talked them through the many layers - it must have been very hot for the ladies by the seaside! The children were encouraged to feel how hard the layers of the dress were, which they enjoyed! 

Following this, children sat in groups to be real historians by closely examining some Victorian artefacts - the children were fantastically behaved, they handled the objects carefully and with great respect and Mrs Hughes told them how important this is so as not to damage the items. The children had to work in teams to guess what the items were, what they were made out of and what they were used for. They were puzzled by some of them - especially the glass bottle with a marble in. The items turned out to be a stoneware hot water bottle, a glass ice cream holder for a penny lick (we also examined a Victorian penny), a Cod bottle that was used for putting fizzy drinks in (the marble kept the gases in) and a chamberpot, which the children were not so happy about when they learnt it's real use and that it wasn't a huge teacup!

Their last item was a stereoscope that used 2 of the same photographs and merged them to become 3D - the children (and staff!) were fascinated by it and each got a turn to look through it. 

It was a really interesting session and we all learnt lots about life in Victorian times at the seaside - hopefully the children will tell you all about it! 


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 28/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

We have had a quieter week with less off-site activities and more classroom based learning. 

This continues to be a favorite subject for lots of the children and it shows in our lessons with some great mathematical talk and resilience in abundance. Always a positive when children tell you they look forward to coming to school on Monday because we are doing an arithmetic paper!

We tried a new approach to editing today with 3 different work stations; revising, rewriting and re-imagining. The children spent 10 minutes at each station completing their editing tasks before moving to the next. Feedback from the children was overwhelmingly positive with everyone expressing a preference for this way of working. So I think this will be our new way forward as there was lots of purposeful talk about how the editing was making improvements to their writing.

Mr Twaite has added photos from these sessions to the children's SeeSaw journals, so head over to see what we have learnt in these sessions this week.

Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs W


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 28/06/2024
by Jane Wills

Summer 2

As you know, last week was Sports Week. A week full of sporting endeavors, sportsmanship and fun. Sports activities are always popular with Polruan children; they enjoy being active, being outside and challenging themselves and this fantastic attitude means that Sports Week is one of the best weeks in our school calendar. Throughout the week, the children competed in the Bridge School Games, our Trust inter-school sports competition, challenging themselves in a range of sports which this year had a French theme reflecting the Olympics. The results were released yesterday and I am beyond delighted to announce that this year's winner is POLRUAN!

We have celebrated the win with a special assembly where the children were presented with the Winner's trophy thanks to a detour by Mrs Andrew to collect it from the current holders St Cleer. The official Winner's Photograph alongside the score sheet has been uploaded to all children's SeeSaw journal so head over to have a look.

A big THANK YOU to Mr Twaite for organising the games at school and encouraging the children to be their very best sporting selves.

Achievement Assembly

Writer of the Week:
Erin for embracing our new editing workshops and working with purpose to make improvements to her work.
Ronnie for fantastic independent writing using our learning.

Star of the Week: 
Joyce for showing bravery in Forest School to climb a tree and get back down again
Indi for being a fantastic role model for our class by coming into school every day ready to learn with a smile on her face.

Have a lovely weekend,
Jane Wills


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Flying the flag

Posted 28/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Flags of the world!

We have had lots of fun preparing for sports day this week. All of the children are now well practiced in their races and raring to go for our sports day next week! Today we have all enjoyed choosing a flag from one of the countries that are competing in the 2024 Olympics and making our own to wave in the opening ceremony 'pupil parade' on Tuesday. We are really looking forward to welcoming all of our families for sports day and our annual Brunel picnic on Tuesday 2nd July! 


Wadebridge Primary Academy   Summer 2, Week 4

Posted 28/06/2024
by Chris Wathern

It’s been another busy and productive week at WPA. Our theme this week has been collaboration and team work. There has been plenty of that going on in classes and around the school as highlighted in our Shining Stars assembly this afternoon. This week we also welcomed a number of parents to our 'Welcome to Reception' sessions. It was wonderful to meet everyone; we look forward to welcoming your children into Reception.

KS1 History Day
Year 2 have been time travellers today! We have been very lucky to have the time travelling lady to speak to us about Cornwall in the past. She taught us about life of Cornish miners and what was invented to help them with their work. Did you know there was a special safety lamp to help detect dangerous gases in the mine? We heard some more about famous inventors like Richard Trevithick and Humphry Davey and how their inventions are linked to Cornish tin mines. Then we had to use our prediction skills to guess what the use of some objects from the past were. This included, a wooden darn to mend socks, a chill which was a portable light and a chamber pot that was used as a toilet during the night! (This of course got many laughs as one prediction was a giant soup bowl). We are very proud of how engaged an respectful the children were throughout.
From Year 2

As I’m writing this blog, Year 1 are being transported back in time to a Victorian Seaside Adventure – Take a look at Year 1’s class page later today to see what happened.

The Place – Playground Tour
Next Monday, children in Year 2-Year 5 will be treated to two lively dance shows in our playground: Olive Branch... Playground Edition by Vanhulle Dance Theatre and Mughal Miniatures: The Elephant and the Drummer by Sonia Sabri Company. We can’t wait to watch the performances.

‘Come Dine with Me’
The Year 5 children have made a fantastic start to their 'Come Dine with Me' Design and Technology experience this week. After spending the morning planning and preparing their dishes they were joined by a wonderful group of staff for lunch. The staff praised the children for their attention to detail, hospitality and of course the incredible food they had on offer. A firm favourite so far being the cookie dough cake! We look forward to seeing what other delicious creations the children will cook up in the following weeks.

District Sports Competition

Well done to everyone who took part in the annual District Sports Competition earlier in the week. Overall, Wadebridge Primary Academy came 4th. A special mention to our relay teams, winning 3 silver medals and Dexter in Year 6 who broke the 100m event record sprinting in at 13.19 seconds!

Mid-Cornwall Parent Workshop for Transition to Secondary School
Do check the poster below for further details on how to book for this online course.

After School Clubs

Please note that teacher-led after school clubs end today. Bridge Kids Wraparound Care continues as normal until the end of term.

The following external clubs finish on:
DT Sports – 17th July
Dance – 19th July
Pro20 – Please check your booking confirmation

Important dates coming up:

Monday 1st – Friday 5th July Year 6 Transition Week

Monday 1st – Wednesday 3rd July Year 4 Residential to Porthpean

Monday 1st July The Place – Playground Theatre Tour performance for Years 2-5

Tuesday 2nd July 15:15-16:15 KS1 Open Invitation Cross Country (Wadebridge School)

Wednesday 3rd July
09:30-10:30 Drop in & play session for children new to WPA joining Reception in September
13:00-14:00 Drop in & play session for children currently at WPA Nursery joining Reception in September

Thursday 4th July 09:30-12:30 Taster morning & lunch for all new Reception children starting in September

Wednesday 10th July 09:15-15:00 Our Girls Can event for Year 5 girls at Wadebridge Showground

Thursday 11th July Reports home and class/teacher allocation for September

Friday 12th July Transition session (am) for current Reception – Year 5 children to meet their class teacher for September

Saturday 13th July 10:00-12:00 WPA Lego Show

Monday 15th July Transition session (am) for current Reception – Year 5 children to meet their class teacher for September

Wednesday 17th July 13:00-14:15 Nursery Pirate Party with parents

Thursday 18th July 16:00 Year 6 performance

Friday 19th July Year 6 ‘Slip and Slide’ Trip

Monday 22nd July 18:00-20:00 Year 6 Prom

Tuesday 23rd July Last day of term (early finish, see times below):
12:30 Nursery
12:50 Year 6 Guard of Honour
13:20 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
13:30 Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5

Wednesday 4th September Autumn term begins – Welcome back everyone in Reception to Year 6

Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th September Nursery Home Visits

Monday 9th September
09:00-10:00 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions
10:30-11:30 Nursery Stay and Play Sessions

Tuesday 10th September Nursery opens

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

Chris Wathern


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 28th June 2024

Posted 28/06/2024
by Rebecca Horn

Happy weekend everyone!

Thank you to those of you who joined us at the church on Friday afternoon for our Trelawny Day service, it was great to see you there.

We have enjoyed lots of different learning experiences in class this week and have tried to get outside as much as possible to enjoy the wonderful weather we have had. Please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle and a hat in school with them each day, thank you. 

The theme for Show and Tell next week is: An item that is special to you. See if you can find out who gave the item to you and be ready to explain why the item is special to you. Please bring the item in on Thursday morning or if emailing a photo please send to by 8:40am on Thursday.

Well done to those children who have been reading at home, we do enjoy giving out reading karate bands and certificates during celebration assembly. Keep up the great work! 

Have a lovely weekend

Class 1 Team


Looe Primary Academy   A busy few weeks!

Posted 28/06/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

What we've been doing in year 1! 

It has been a brilliant couple of weeks in year 1, and we have been very busy! Last Friday was our sport’s day. We took part in activities such as long jump, football and throwing. We then did our running races at the end. We had an absolutely brilliant day and we showed our school value of determination, collecting as many points for our house team as we could. Year 1 also showed great sportsmanship and cheered on their friends on each activity. Safe to say we were pretty tired at the end of the day!

On Monday, we had our beach trip with the foundation/ year 1 class and nursery. We started our trip at the RNLI station, finding out information about the work they do. We found it really fascinating that they have only 90 seconds to get dressed and ready when the alarm is sounded. We all agreed that we can hardly put our shoes and socks on in that time! We enjoyed looking at all the boats they take out on the water, and learning what we have to do if we get into trouble at sea.

Just a few reminders for the upcoming weeks:
- Please remember to send your child in with a sun hat each day.
- PE days are Monday and Friday
- Whole school transition day is the 2nd July, where your child will meet and spend the day with their teacher for September

I am looking forward to all the activities we get up to as we move into the last few weeks of school before the holidays.

Any questions as always, just let me know.

Miss Bolger 


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